Chapter 11 - Horcrux's and Knowledge

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"Books and other parchments"

Harry quickly gathered his wand and the portkey before checking over himself to make sure he was presentable, once everything was in order he held tightly onto the portkey and whispered "Treasure".

There was a second of complete silence before he was whisked away in a mass of colours and swirls forcing him to hold his very small dinner in, as he roughly landed on the floor in front of Gringotts massive doors.

Groaning as he pushed himself up slowly he felt the all too familiar feeling of his wounds and bruises tugging painfully.

Harry then opened the doors to Gringotts slightly unnerved by the silence that held diagon alley captive in the late night.

Walking inside he saw all of the creepy old goblins muttering and working away, he stopped for a second struck by how much different it was at night and questioned his self on how he did not notice it before, Harry walked up to the main goblin and patiently waited to be addressed.

The goblin sneered as it looked up and saw him "state your business" the goblin snarled in its gravelly harsh voice "uh here to see Griphook, he requested I show" harry said confidently as he had gotten used to the harsh way the goblins spoke.

The goblin didn't reply before going back to its work, harry was slightly stumped on what to do as this hadn't happened before so he simply stood and waited for the goblin to contact Griphook.

Minutes went by before he heard a familiar harsh voice call "this way mister potter", he snapped his head around not expecting the silence to be interrupted before he realised it was simply Griphook waiting for him to follow.

Harry Quickly rushed to Griphook eager to find out what they had found.

They like all of the other times silently walked towards Griphooks office, Harry couldn't help fidgeting the whole time anxious and nervous to know if, how and when they could remove the horcrux.

They reached the massive door rather quickly as they then walked to their designated seats in the office, it was silent for a few seconds before Griphook spoke "it was a tiring but successful search for this information mister potter and we hope that it aids you well" with the left corner of his lip twitching slightly to hide what could of been a happy smile.

"So you found something" harry excitedly exclaimed sitting up straighter and smiling happily "yes mister potter we have, it is simply a question if you would like healers and the such from Gringotts to remove the horcrux" Griphook steadily replied.

Harrys smile grew as he quickly replied "yes- please yes I would like to the horcrux to be removed by Gringotts, thank you".

Griphook hummed quietly "did you simply want it done mister potter or would you like to know how it's done first" he calmly asked a very happy harry.

Harry sat indecisively for a few seconds not knowing which one to choose as yes he wanted the horcrux out now asap but he didn't know if he wanted to know what was needed for that to be done.

He came to the decision that knowing would only make him more anxious and he was sure that removing the disgusting piece of magic would surely be at least half bad but he had one question before he proceeded to get it removed.

"i would rather not know but one question wait no two how long was it going to take for the horcrux to be safely removed and will the horcrux be fully destroyed" he asked confident in his decision.

Nodding his head slightly Griphook thought for a second before answering "ok, the horcrux will not be destroyed straight away as it will be transferred from you to another object and it will then be up to you to destroy and the ritual will take a while as this is not only foreign magic but it also needs a great deal of magical power to complete".

Taking in the information given harry thought it over for a second and then nodded his acceptance of the matter.

"Now then follow me and we will meet healer altar and Moka with both their teams to start the ritual" Griphook explained as he headed for the large office door, quickly following after him harry began to feel anxious as he came closer to figuring out if he will change after getting rid of the vile plaguing his body, will his decisions stay the same, with his thoughts take a different direction, it was all up in the air and he hoped that thing didn't affect him at all.

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