Part 1

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In Adventure Bay...

Right now, Kyle is at the beach chilling out on a tanning bed.

Kyle FKZF: No more real world drama, fun and games in the world of Paw Patrol forever. Oh yeah.

Then, Kyle's phone watch rang.

Kyle FKZF: Hm?

Kyle answers.

Kyle FKZF: Hello?

Chase: Kyle?

Kyle FKZF: Yo Chase, what's up?

Chase: I have something to ask you.

Kyle FKZF: A question? Go on.

Chase: What's the deal with you street racing and conquering territory in your Carbon game? You know I dislike the things you do.

Kyle FKZF: Of course you do. Anyway, the whole street racing and conquering territory is how the career in Need For Speed Carbon works, all racing game careers are set up and work different.

Chase: You may be right about that.

Kyle FKZF: Conquering territory will unlock new stuff, new cars, new customization parts... you name it, you get all that stuff for conquering territory. And let me tell you why I smash cop cars and resist arrest...

Chase: (Sigh) Go on, tell me what you've gotta tell me.

Kyle FKZF: The whole reason I resist arrest and smash cop cars, is because if I let them catch me, and don't take out any of them, my car will get an Impound Strike. If I accumulate 3 Impound Strikes, my ride will be permanently lost... but, I can increase the number of Impound Strikes from 3 to 5. If a car without any strikes left is caught by the cops, you lose it permanently. Without any cars, I can't race or conquer territory.

Chase: ...

Chase: Well, I'll be glad if you lost your car...

Kyle FKZF: Chase-

Chase: Cuz maybe it'll teach you not to street race, or smash any cop cars, or damaging property!

Kyle FKZF: Chase, without all that, then there IS no Awesome Gamer.

Chase: You think about what you're doing in your games, now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go play with my friends.

*Call ends*



Kyle FKZF: Idiot.

Kyle FKZF: ...

Kyle FKZF: He is really getting on my nerves. He's not in charge of what I do.



Then, someone covered Kyle's face with a black cloth.

Kyle FKZF: Oh! Ahh! What the...

Kyle was struggling, but he slowly blacked out and fell out of the tanning bed.

????: (Evil Chuckle) Gotcha.

The unknown figure dragged Kyle away from the beach.

Who captured Kyle?

Part 2 next.

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