Because I had ruined enough clothes myself to know how
little I liked to shop, I
stripped my clothes off and tossed them on the rail
before going wolfy myself.

I tipped my head back and howled at the moon.

Yes, we do that.

Sometimes. For fun.

And just because it seems like the thing to do at the time.

To my great pleasure, Jimin followed suit and our sounds rang together over the
pack lands.

We were out on a run people.

Together and it was amazing.

I wasn't sure at first how fast he'd be able to go because of
his recovery, so I held back
but he gave a sharp bark and leapt over me then raced
toward a stream and I let
off the brakes.

Not so long ago, my omega
had been at death's door
and in danger of taking our
baby with him to the other
side but help had come
from the unlikeliest place.

Joon hadn't decided yet
whether to let dalsu's grandfather see him
although it would be on
our lands if at all but I
wasn't against it.

They'd saved Jimin's life and
as long as Dalsu was in a safe place...maybe surrounded
by about fifty of our best warriors...he could meet
his granddad.

The alpha might be good for
him, even as feral as he
and the others were.

He could tell him stories of
his mom when she was a
little cub and share their lore which, although we didn't
agree with some of the
things they approved
of, we could really use.

I'd spent some of the time
while Jimin was recovering reading the volumes they
allowed me to borrow and learned a lot of things I
thought Trenton would understand better but
might help with his job.

I wasn't sure why we didn't
have such resources but if
they would share, it would
be a very good thing.

We ran on across the lands, leaping over logs and
splashing back and forth
through the stream until
finally we dropped to lie
beside it, lapping at the
cool, sweet running water.

Then my omega rose on his
hind legs and shifted back to human.

He gave me such a smile...

I joined him and dangled
my legs in the water.

"Join me, omega."

"We have all night."

He plopped down beside
me, as easy in his skin as
he'd been in his fur and
my heart thudded faster.

Kicking his legs, he sighed.

"I have to bring Dalsu here."

"I'm sure he'd love to play
in the stream."

"We'll do that." I promised.

"But right now, I'm loving
seeing you healed."

"Our baby is going to have
a healthy dad."

"Two." He reminded me.

"You're looking pretty healthy
to me."

He reached over and closed
his fist around my cock,
which was usually hard when
he was around and always
when he was naked and
gave a stroke.

"Yep, perfectly healthy."

I leaned back on my elbows
and watched him fist my dick, work his way up and down
the shaft and pause at the top
to cup the head—just the
way he knew I liked it.

But when he bent over and
took me in his mouth, I
liked that even better.

We had all night but we spent quite a bit of it on that stream bank with its handy bed of
soft moss, doing all the
things we liked.

And finally, as morning drew close, he groaned.

"I'm too tired to walk home."

"Should we sleep here for a while? Is that okay?"

"It's more than okay."

I pulled him down and we lay side by side, his head on my chest.

"My wolf wants us to mate."

He struggled to sit up, moss clinging to his skin and the stickiness of our combined
cum staining his legs and
other parts of him as well.

We'd spurted more than once.

"Not here, not now." He protested.

"It's not romantic."

"This isn't romantic?"

I couldn't think of anything
more so, but then I realized.

"You want to be wooed."


Even in the pre-dawn
darkness with the moon
nearly gone, I could see
his cheeks darken with his embarrassment.

"I guess I do."

"Such a human thing to
do, omega."

He shrugged.

"I guess I am still at least
partly that right?"


"But I need to get cleaned up because I'm a mess."

He brushed a bit of mud
off his thigh.

"We still have a little about we get
dirtier before we get clean?"

So getting dirtier we did.

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