Chapter 266-270

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 Two thoughts are always fighting in my mind.

  Song Weifeng couldn't see clearly what he was thinking.

  He is just a mortal, and it is impossible for him to completely sort out his own thoughts and then have no desires or desires.

  It's better to just keep moving forward according to the original plan, just like Brother Zhou said.

  The rest...just let nature take its course.

  During this class, the study tour team did not get up to ask any tricky questions.

  They gathered together and listened carefully to the lectures of the two masters, and occasionally took notes.

  They are only fourteen or fifteen years old, but they seem to be more stable than their peers. No one has a smile on their face, and no one does not tighten their mind.

  Their wide-open eyes seemed to be filled with desire and determination.

  Lin Fanji saw the vigorous ambition and pursuit in their eyes and looked at the other supervisors unconsciously.

  While this group of supervisors were still studying slowly in the Imperial College, students outside Daqing had begun to shoulder the burden of the development of their own race, studying and growing everywhere.

  There is only one thing they want, and that is to strengthen their tribe so that their tribe is no longer as weak as before.

  After class, the supervisors surrounded Zhou Ziyan and Gu Dawang and refused to let them leave.

  It is not easy to meet a minister of the court. They still have many questions to ask and must not let Mr. Gu leave!

  After today's afternoon of teaching, Gu Dawang has fallen in love with the feeling of being sought after by the prison students.

  It turns out that the doctors and teachers were so comfortable when they were in class. No wonder they came to class with smiles every time!

  Hearing the young supervisors calling him "Master Gu" and "Master Gu", Gu Dawang couldn't help but feel how beautiful he was.

  "Brother Zhou, if there is such a good thing next time, remember to ask me to come." Gu Dawang quietly expressed his thoughts to Zhou Zi.

  Zhou laughed to himself, "That depends on whether you can talk about the content of the next class..."

  "What? What do you want to serve next?" Gu Dawang asked.

  "According to the plan, we should focus on manufacturing." Zhou thought to himself, "I wonder if the Ministry of Industry is busy now..."

  Gu Dawang immediately understood what Zhou Ziyan meant, "Are you going to call Zuo Shilang from the Ministry of Works?"

  This Zuo Shilang was their classmate. He used to be a rough-and-tumble prick. After getting to know Zhou Ziyan, he was now concentrating on rubbing wood in the Ministry of Works.

  Zhou said to himself: "I'll ask him later and see if he has time."

  The manufacturing class is in three days, and tomorrow he will go to the Ministry of Industry to arrest people!

  When all the supervisors gathered around the two masters, the team of study tours left the place quietly.

  Lin Fanji accompanied them, "What have these students gained?"

  "I learned a lot. I didn't expect that the Imperial College would have such a unique course." Na Ti took the initiative and said, "Only the Imperial College can invite current officials to take classes, right?"

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