Chapter 211-215

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  Gu Hongwen took the opportunity to knock the two people, "Yes, I am already Jieyuan at such a young age, what about you? At the age of seventeen or eighteen, you are still struggling in the provincial examination!"

  Gu Siwen, Wen Zhao: "..."

  The two people, who were currently just scholars, felt huge humiliation.

  It's all this Jie Yuan's fault, what's he doing at such a young age!

  "Wait!" Gu Siwen's eyes suddenly lit up.

  If this man was really his cousin, wouldn't he have a cousin named Jieyuan from the provincial examination?

  Then wouldn't he have someone to give guidance for his future provincial examinations?

  Dad! You really cheer up your son!

Chapter 99

  With Zhou Ziyan's interruption, the originally tit-for-tat quarrel disappeared instantly.

  Although Gu Siwen and Wen Zhao will definitely continue to cause trouble in the future, they can finally rest today.

  After driving away a group of supervisors who were watching the show, Gu Hongwen held Zhou Ziyan's hand tightly and went to the doctor's hall.

  Jiang Nanxing didn't get too close to Zhou Ziyan due to the strong defense between men and women, but she followed behind without missing a step.

  There were fifteen doctors of the Five Classics in the Imperial College, and each of them had his or her own private room. Gu Hongwen took Zhou Ziyan to Jiang Nanxing's private room and locked the door.

  Gu Hongwen looked at Zhou Ziyan with burning eyes.

  Zhou said to himself that a chill ran down his spine, "Brother Gu, why are you so vicious?"

  "Why did you change your name? And you became Jieyuan in the provincial examination? Haven't you already taken the test?" Gu Hongwen smelled something different from Zhou Ziyan's behavior.

  Jiang Nanxing frowned, "You didn't actually go to the border, did you?"

  "Oh, I can't hide it from you." Zhou Ziyan found a chair and sat down, telling Gu Hongwen and Jiang Nanxing everything that happened to him.

  The matter with him is indeed quite big, but these two are not outsiders.

  Jiang Nanxing and Gu Hongwen were both classmates he met in the Imperial College before.

  Although Jiang Nanxing and Gu Hongwen were both local candidates in the capital and their families were quite powerful, they were both honest and upright gentlemen, so Zhou Ziyan liked to associate with them very much.

  At that time, although Zhou Ziyan had a foundation in modern knowledge, he was still a little unsure about the essays required for the Daqing Examination. It was Jiang Nanxing and Gu Hongwen who lit up lamps every night and analyzed him word for word, which made him completely change his way of writing modern essays. style, integrating his own knowledge into Daqing's articles.

  Naturally, Jiang Nanxing and Gu Hongwen would often ask him what he thought. The three of them were both teachers and friends.

  Later, he went to the Ministry of Punishment and worked his way up from a low-level official to a high position. The two were unwilling to participate in court battles and chose to go to the Imperial College to preach and teach. Except for holidays, it was difficult for them to get together.

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