Chapter 181-185

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 "Then we can only spend the Mid-Autumn Festival in Yuenan Mansion this year." Song Weifeng said.

  The provincial examination is held in August, and the day after the third examination is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

  I had it at home last year, but I will have it in Yuenan Mansion this year.

  "Yes." Zhou said that he is a modern person and has no idea where to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. "It just so happens that we also have a look at the Mid-Autumn Festival in Yuenan Mansion."

  "Okay." Song Weifeng nodded.

  Although the candidates who came to take the provincial examination were not familiar with each other, they were all candidates from the same area, and they could easily chat together after just a few words.

  During the Mid-Autumn Festival, we just get together to spend the Mid-Autumn Festival together.

  Zhou Ziyan and Song Weifeng also joined in the fun, and followed Ye Lang to admire the moon, throw pots, and recite poems with the candidates from their county.

  During the banquet, many people clinked glasses with Zhou Ziyan, saying nothing more than, "Brother Zhou will definitely make it to high school," "I don't know if I can win," "No matter what, let's have a drink tonight!"

  Zhou Ziyan accepted them one by one.

  Some people who were familiar with Song Weifeng from Ma Ming Academy also came over to reminisce with him.

  Pushing the cup and changing the cup, talking and laughing.

  After the Mid-Autumn Festival, people who failed the previous rounds of exams began to leave one after another.

  Those who feel that their writing in the third scene was not good are still hesitating.

  If the writing is not good, there is no hope in high school, but what if there is some hope?

  Otherwise, just wait a little longer!

  But the imperial court in Fucheng is not a fool. Every time they pass the exam, they will count the people who have not passed the exam.

  If you don't pass the exam, you can no longer stay in the inn chartered by the imperial court. If you still want to stay here, you can only find a way to solve it yourself.

  When the final list was released, the dragon and tiger lists were posted, and there were all kinds of joys and sorrows under the list.

  Zhou Ziyan and Song Weifeng stood in the crowd, looking at the three words 'Zhou Ziyan' at the top of the list, and looked at each other and smiled.

  Zhou Zi said that he has confidence in himself, which is based on his understanding of himself.

  Song Weifeng has confidence in Zhou Ziyan because he has complete trust in Zhou Ziyan.

  In Song Weifeng's heart, Brother Zhou is a man of great talent, and he will definitely be able to go to the capital in the future!

  Song Weifeng also took a special look at the students who came out of Maminggou.

  It's a pity that all of their small town except Brother Zhou was wiped out this year.

  However, Zhong Zhixian should be happy for a while if there is a Jie Yuan.

  Ye Lang sighed and came over to congratulate Zhou Zi said, "Master Zhou, you are in high school as expected."

  "I finally passed the last test, but I still failed. It seems that I will have to work harder in three years."

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