Chapter 231-235

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  There are many letters from children at the back, all sealed in a letter bag, a thick stack.

  The correspondence between Zhou Ziyan and Ma Minggou was not timely. Sometimes, he might not receive a letter in August until November or February.

  Fortunately, they don't care about this problem. As long as they know that the other person is doing well, that is enough.

  After reading the letters, Zhou said he was satisfied and kept all the letters.

  Then 'Old Scalper Zhou' opened another box.

  It was filled with foldables that had accumulated over the past few days.

  Looking at the folds that were almost overflowing, Zhou said to himself: "..."

  If this matter were told, I'm afraid people outside would say Zhou Ziyan was crazy.

  I have never heard of candidates who have just finished taking the examination and continue to read the excerpts when they return to the official school!

  Such anecdotes may only be seen in story books!

  But in Zhou Ziyan's case, it is a tragic fact.

  "It's really the body of the male protagonist of the novel, and the fate of the old scalper." Zhou Ziyan twisted his wrist and began to read the folds one by one with resignation.

  Fortunately, it's nothing important and doesn't take much effort.

  Zhou Ziyan was so immersed in the hard work of "overtime" that when Gu Siwen and Wen Zhao knocked on the door of his room, they could only see a cousin who was still writing at the desk.

  "Cousin, you've already finished your exams, why don't you go out to have fun?"

  Gu Siwen stepped in.

  As far as he knew, other candidates had already started participating in poetry gatherings and painting boats for fun on the first day after the exam.

  Why is his cousin still sitting in front of the desk like an ascetic?

  Wen Zhao didn't speak, but his eyes meant the same thing as Gu Siwen.

  But first he saw the document Zhou Ziyan put on the desk.

  It is a thick book with a cover covered in bright yellow moiré brocade.

  Wen Zhao had only seen this style in the study room of his elders at home.

  And it is the kind that no one can touch. Only the elders who are officials in the court can touch it.

  The elders have said that this folded book is called a memorial, and the contents written in it are to be presented to His Majesty.

  Wen Zhao slowly took two steps back.

  But why does something like this appear on Cousin Zhou's desk now!

  Gu Siwen was a little slower than Wen Zhao, and he had just seen clearly what was on Zhou Ziyan's desk.

  "..." Gu Siwen's reaction was even more exaggerated than Wen Zhao's. He held the desk and his voice trembled slightly, "Cousin, cousin, what are you...what are you doing?"

  His voice became smaller and smaller, as if he was afraid of disturbing his cousin Zhou.

  Dad! What does this old friend of yours do?

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