Chapter 251-255

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  "It sounds nice." Zhou Ziyan felt that this name sounded better than the names he had thought of, and it was also very meaningful.

  Wang Xiaoniu rubbed her head, "But everyone still calls me Xiaoniu. I'm used to it. It's the same as Ergun."

  Ergun nodded and silently helped Wang Xiaoniu and Jiang Qingqing prepare the dishes.

  Siniang also asked the waiter to bring many portions of fruit for them to enjoy.

  Everyone reunited after a long absence. Zhou Ziyan opened a jar of wine for the first time and stayed with everyone until they were drunk.

  At the round table, everyone gradually became familiar with each other over a cup and a pair of chopsticks.

  Letters from Song Weifeng and the others have not been sent since the end of the provincial examination. Zhou Ziyan finally filled this period of time from Song Weifeng.

  It turns out that as soon as the township examination was over, the results of the county's candidates were brought back from Yuenan Mansion by various people.

  Students from Nana Academy took the exam for seven or eight years and finally passed the exam.

  Which family's "Wenquxing Xianxia" performed abnormally in the provincial examination this year and failed to pass the examination...

  In public, the most amazing thing is the small town of Maminggou.

  Maminggou is just a very small town in the local county. Even though it has a dock, it is not very large in terms of population.

  But in such a small town, more than a dozen people were elected in one go!

  Especially the Xinyang Academy in Maminggou, which holds nine out of a dozen candidates!

  But what makes everyone unbelievable is the age of these candidates.

  Song Douding, Wang Xiaoniu, Jiang Qingqing... one by one, these children were only seven or eight years old when they passed the scholar examination.

  At that time, everyone was waiting for them to make a splash, but they did not expect that they did not take part in the provincial examination.

  Instead, he went to Xinyang Academy and became a good student.

  Gradually, everyone's attention no longer focused on these children.

  No one expected that these children would give them a big surprise during the provincial examination a few years later!

  From the age of twelve to fifteen, there were really so many years of success in their town!

  That's a great achievement!

  How many students have been taking exams all their lives, only to be stuck at the stage of being promoted, and have regrets all their lives.

  But what about these children?

  They were able to pass the imperial examination at a young age of ten. As long as they do not go astray, it is not impossible to pass the imperial examination in the future!

  Palace examination!

  That is to meet the Holy Emperor and become the person beside the Emperor of Daqing!

  Imagining them taking the imperial examination in the capital, the residents of the town finally had a clearer understanding of 'reaching the sky in one step'.

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