Alex immediately rushed out from the room they kept him finding his parents and his sister sitting in the waiting area. They all looked up to see him walking towards them and immediately Ellen stops him. "Are you okay?" She asks and he shook his head, "I need to see Henry." He says and June turned to look at her parents. "He's still in surgery. Let's go there." She suggested and they all nodded before they took the elevator to the third floor.

The moment the elevator door opened, Alex saw the whole floor was guarded by possible Mi6 and the Secret Service. He scoffed seeing them stand guard at the entrance and soon lowered their weapon when they saw Alex and his mother the President. "What are they protecting for? Miguel is dead and they weren't there to save Henry when it happened" Alex asks his mother and she hushed him. "They are guarding the King." Alex eyes widen at the word and turned his head sharply at her. "The King is here? Here in Texas?" He asks her and she glared her eyes at him.

The moment they walked in the waiting room, Alex eyes caught the guy in full suit with salt and pepper hair standing by the window with his hand in his pocket. "Alex." Bea hugged him careful on his sling arm and he can see her been crying with that puffy eyes. "Ah, the American are here." The King says and they bow at him as a sign of respect although Alex still want to fight this guy for making Henry miserable.

"I must say Alex, what you've done, did not just putting our future king's spare in danger, but also in reckless position." He told him and Alex stares at his face with a stunt expression. "Father." Catherine stops him but he raised his finger at her earning her a sealed lips and Alex saw on the corner of the room, Philip standing with the bruised cheek that he had caused and he couldn't be prouder. But the look on his face had caught Alex attention, he's worried.

"With all do respect Your Majesty, I did try. Better than any of you guys ever did." He says and Ellen pinched his waist earning him a yelped. "So you saying this is better?" He asks him as he turned around to see where they are right now. Alex kept his mouth shut glaring at Philip on the side and His Majesty the King sighed.

"Ever since Henry is a wee boy, we all knew he is different. I even told Arthur once, he will grow up differently than any of us, that little lad." He says laughing at his memories of Arthur and Catherine lowered her gaze down. "But I never would expect someone would try their best in protecting him, shielding him from all the demons in the world, including in his own mind, better than any of us could ever did."

The King step closer towards Alex and Alex can smell his expensive cologne from a shorter distance. "Thank you for saving my grandson." He says tapping on Alex's shoulder making his mouth gaped apart and bows at his presence.


It took them hours waiting for Henry to come out from the surgery and the moment the doctor walked in, in their scrubs, Alex's heart beats rapidly and he could almost feel everyone else's in this room felt the same way. "Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness, Madam President." She bowed at all of them before she closed the door behind her. "We managed to repair the damage that the bullet has caused. With that short ranged shot, it was beyond repairable. His spleen is ruptured so we had to remove it. He lost a lot of blood on his way here. I'm sorry but I know that Royal protocol is not to transfuse the blood but we-" she was stopped by His Majesty the King raising his hand stopping her.

"Anything to save my grandson, I would allowed it. Just tell me if he is alright." He asks her and she pressed her lips together. "For now. We need to keep monitor on his vitals to make sure nothing drops than usual. He suffered a fracture over his tibia which my Orthopedic team will fix later but for now he is in the cast. His head suffered a blunt force trauma that might gave him concussion but we can't know for sure yet until he wakes up."

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