Eventually, I grabbed my phone and just when I was about to unlock it, Harry's picture popped up and it started ringing.
I smiled and instantly picked up the phone.

„Hey, was just about to call and check in." I told him.

„Hi sweetie." I could tell he was smiling too, but he also sounded tired.

„You sound exhausted, Haz."

„I am. The flight was shit, but just got to our house now. It's 8 am here and I'm jetlegged." He told me all at once.

„Aww, I'm sorry, baby. Get some sleep then or just try to relax."

„I think if I sleep now, the jetleg will get even worse so I'll probably try to stay awake for as long as I can. I'll see if someone is livestreaming your show so I can watch you smash it."

„That's sweet of you, H. Just soundchecked actually, I'm just waiting for it to start now." I said.

„Sounds great. I'm so proud of you." He said lovingly.

„Thank you." I chuckled. „How is the house by the way? Everything as it should be?" I wondered as we haven't been there for a while now and I always had this paranoia someone would break in whenever we weren't around even though I knew security was always there.

„Everything good, yeah. Found the shirt and the earrings you've been looking for for so long, I'll bring them when I leave again."

„No way! I thought I lost those earrings for good and left the shirt at the beach when we were on our honeymoon. Please don't forget them."

„I won't." He chuckled. „Already packed everything."

„Thank you. I-." I got interrupted by one of the crew members.

„Y/n, doors open in a minute, you need to get backstage."

„I'll be gone in a sec!" I called back, standing up and making my way backstage. „Sorry where was I? Anyways, the band says hi by the way."

„Say hi right back then." He told me. „You know what, I'm too tired to stay awake for ages, I'll take a quick nap before I watch your show." He admitted.

I giggled at that. „I'll leave you to it then."

„Okay, love you. Bye, baby."

„Love you too, H. Bye." I hung up the phone and watched from backstage as they opened the doors and fans started to run into the arena, fighting for a spot at barricade.

I smiled, watching them for a while until it was time for the opener to start his set that I watched for a little bit as well before I got called to my dressing room for hair and make up.
I changed into my outfit and as time went on, eventually it was time for my performance.

The intro started as I stood right behind the stage. The lights turned off and the fans went wild. I made my way out there when it was my cue to go and started the song, making the fans scream even more before they started to sing along.

I could never describe what feeling came over me, seeing the full arena and everyone dancing and singing along as if their lives depended on it.

„Well hello Paris!" I said into the mic after I finished the first two songs. „I'm baaaaack!"

They immediately all cheered, making my heart so full of love.

„I just wanna start the show by saying some things first. This is my first show back after a very long time. Most of you probably know by now that that's because I had to fight cancer again. It wasn't a great time, but I did it and I'm so incredibly grateful. Grateful that I'm here and grateful that all of you are here and came out to see me for this special night. Paris has always been a special place to me so it was important to me to open the tour here." I said, making them all cheer again. „Thank you for all your support during everything. It means the absolute world to me." I said. „You know you all look absolutely beautiful tonight. Now, let's have some fun!" I said before the intro of the next song of the set started.

After the show, I couldn't believe that I just did this, that it happened after everything that's happened the past year and a half

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After the show, I couldn't believe that I just did this, that it happened after everything that's happened the past year and a half. I forgot how good it felt doing a show, how much joy and happiness it really brought me.
Opening night was special and I was more than ready for night two in Paris.

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