Chapter - 24

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"Good evening guys, how's everyone feeling right now? Today is a big day. Is everyone excited for the evening?" As soon as the host finished saying, everyone started cheering.

"Woohoo! I can feel the excitement in everyone's voices. Well, I can promise today will be a memorable day for everyone since 'The Ecstasy' (I changed the band name since it was kind of confusing) gonna perform their recent album. But before we go there, we have some other groups who will perform here tonight." Everyone clapped.

"The first group that will perform today is from our very own university. Everyone knows them very well...please welcome—

Before the host could even finish her words the crowd started screaming Jungkook's name-





The host realized that there was no need for her to be there.... So she left the stage....

Everyone was just calling out the vocalist's name instead of the group's.

Jungkook along with his group members walked on the stage. The crowd kept on cheering for them.

They ignored all the noises and started setting up their instruments and getting ready for their performance.

Jungkook fixed the mic and looked at the crowd. When he saw Jimin and Taehyung standing among the crowd, he smiled.

Jimin's heart suddenly started beating faster. A strange heat was overflowing through his body. But he kept a straight face with no expression.

"Hello-" As soon as Jungkook said that everyone became silent, waiting for him to continue.

"I'm Jeon Jungkook from the band 'Midnight Stars'. Thank you everyone for all the support"

After Jungkook introduced himself, his group members also introduced themselves one by one.

"Before we start our performance, I want to say a few words-"

Everyone's attention shifted towards the vocalist. Even his group members also attentively looked at him.

"Today the song we are going to perform is very special to me. I wrote this song specially for someone. Someone who keeps on misunderstanding me. Someone who doesn't believe my words when I tell them how much I like them. So I hope that this song will convey my true feelings to them. Please wish me good luck"

There were mixed reactions. Some were groaning, some were yelling, and some were happily cheering and wishing him good luck. There were all types of people. But Jungkook was far from being bothered by their mixed reactions.

Jimin knew who Jungkook was talking about. Of course, it's him. No doubt. But the fact that Jungkook was publicly telling everyone that he likes someone was the problem. Even though he didn't take any name, it was still a problem.

He doesn't want to know how Jungkook truly feels about him. He has his reasons for this.

The music started and soon the honey-like voice could be heard.

The more Jimin heard, the more suffocated he felt. Every word was heavy and they all meant for him.

He wanted to stop it. He wanted to yell and ask Jungkook to stop.

It felt like Jungkook opened his heart and gave it to Jimin. Like now it's up to him whether he wants to protect it or crush it.

No matter how much he wished for the song to stop or for him to disappear, nothing like that happened.

Tae was constantly looking at Jimin. He was trying to see how Jimin would react. But Jimin had no expression. It made him feel uneasy.

Jimin is not a heartless person to ignore Jungkook's feelings like that. So why does it look like he doesn't care at all?

Jungkook poured his heart while writing the song. He wrote many songs in his life. But only this time he wrote for another person. So this one is very special.

He didn't look once at Jimin while singing. He was afraid he would mess up if he saw any kind of expression on Jimin. So avoided looking at him.

He finished the song and everyone clapped and loudly cheered. Some were crying at the fact that Jungkook wrote such a beautiful song for someone. And at the fact that they weren't that someone.

Jungkook finally looked at Jimin or the place where Jimin was. Jimin was nowhere to Jimin seen. Taehyung was missing too.

Jungkook's heart dropped. All his hopes shattered. But Jungkook was never the guy to give up. Even when things became harder, he never once gave up.

Jungkook quickly dropped his guitar on the ground and left the stage, running into the crowd of people. At first, everyone was shocked, but soon they started calling him and some even chased after him. But he didn't care about anything or anyone.

Anyone would call him a lunatic for running around like that. When after looking for a while he found no one. He started running towards Jimin's dorm.

By now all the people who were chasing him left. Well, more like they couldn't keep up with him.

Jungkook almost became breathless but he didn't stop. He kept running and running. When he came closer to the dorm, he saw Jimin and Taehyung talking, or maybe arguing.

Jungkook ran faster than before even though it should have been impossible, he somehow managed to do so.

When he stood beside both Jimin and Taehyung. Their eyes grow in shock. Cause he was on the stage performing a while ago, how was he here?

"W-what are you doing here?" Taehyung asked, still shocked that Jungkook ran all the way here.

"Ji-jimin..... Wh-hy did y-you lea-ave?" He was completely breathless so he couldn't mutter the words properly.

"Is that why you ran? Just to ask me that?" Jimin was bewildered.

Is this guy crazy? Cause who does something like this? He just sang a song and then ran all the way here.

"W-why??" He asked again.

Jimin didn't say anything. He only stared at Jungkook. Jungkook was trying to calm himself down.

Taehyung felt the air change so he decided to leave them alone. He didn't say anything and quietly left. He knew those two wouldn't look for him.

The whole campus was gathered in one place so the rest of the campus was pretty much empty. Like the empty street where Jimin and Jungkook were standing.

There was no one else but the two. The limelights were the only source of light.

Jungkook was finally breathing normally. But none of them said a word. They were just staring at each other.

After who-knows-how-long, Jimin finally said something-

"I can't like you"

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