Chapter - 23

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It's 4 am and Jimin is wide awake. He only slept for two hours throughout the whole night.

Jimin never had sleeping issues in his life but right now for some reason, he seems to have trouble having sound sleep.

He tried to pinpoint a problem that could cause him to be sleep-deprived. He found none.

He sighed and rolled on his right side. The whole night all he did was toss around. All he thought about was Jungkook and Jungkook.

How Jungkook broke his trust, and how he played with his feelings. He just had fun fooling him. He must've been laughing behind his back.

He wonders if Jungkook ever cared for him. He sighed once again. Everyone is very excited for today. The concert, the festival, and their favorite singer. All good. But Jimin on the other hand is feeling nothing but emptiness.

He already decided not to attend the concert. He doesn't want to see Jungkook. Even though, a small part of him wants to do nothing but to see him, talk to him, hug him-... Jimin shook his head to get rid of his thoughts. Stupid thoughts. He hates Jungkook and that's the reality now. He gotta accept it.

He closes his eyes, tryna' fall asleep once again.


Taehyung bursts into Jimin's room. He sees Jimin sitting in front of his study table, staring at the wall. He felt bad for his friend. Jimin was such a lively person and now he's like this.

"Yo! Jimin?" He calls out since Jimin still hasn't realized his presence. Jimin turns around upon hearing the call.

"Tae? When did you come?"

"When you were spacing out... Anyways get ready"

Jimin was glad Tae didn't ask him what he was thinking but why did he ask him to get ready and for what?

"What do you mean 'get ready'?" He frowned.

"Are you going in these clothes then?"

"Going where?"

"Jimin, you ask too many questions. Please change. I'll be back in 10 minutes. You should be ready by then" Tae said and left.

He didn't even wait for Jimin's response. Jimin on the other hand, was speechless. Tae didn't explain anything, nor did he wait for his agreement in whatever he was going to do.

Jimin sighed. This is the Taehyung he knows. He knows arguing with Tae would be useless so he decides to go with the flow.

Taehyung did say 10 minutes but it's been more than 15 minutes and he's nowhere to be seen. Jimin is all ready to go out and now waiting for Taehyung to come.

Seeing Taehyung being so late, he thought about texting him but changed his plan since he didn't even know where they'd be going and he was not desperate either.

Shortly after that Taehyung appears.

"Sorry, I'm late" He hastily says

"We gotta leave now" He rushes out while holding Jimin's hand.

Jimin is still in a daze. Everything was happening before he could catch on.

"Tae, wait- where are we going?" Jimin asked in a desperate tone.

"You'll see" Taehyung didn't stop, instead increased his pace while dragging Jimin behind. Jimin shuts his mouth and follows behind like a toddler.


Jimin thought Taehyung would take him out of their campus to cheer him up. But he was brought to his misery, 'cause right now he's standing in front of the stage where Jungkook will be singing soon.

"Tae, why are we here?"

He looked beside him to see Taehyung expectantly staring at the stage as if waiting for someone to come.

It didn't take him long to realize what Taehyung was doing but he didn't understand why.

"Tae, be honest with me why did you bring me here?" Tae looked at Jimin but he didn't say anything for a while.

"You'll understand if not now then sometime later"

Jimin didn't bother asking anything more since Taehyung had already decided not to tell him anything. They both stood there like mannequins. No emotion on their faces but too much going on in their minds.


The sun started to slowly disappear, leaving traces behind. Jin ran after seeing Jimin present among the crowd.

"He's here. He's here"

He shouted loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. Everyone looked confused except for Jungkook and Yoongi. They both smiled ear to ear.

"Now it all depends on you buddy," Yoongi said as he patted Jungkook's back. Jungkook nodded.

"Okay, get ready soon," Jin said and left afterward.

Jungkook took a deep breath. He is nervous. Very very nervous. He already told Jimin about his feelings but Jimin took it as a joke. He hopes this time it will be different.

After his teammates were done, they left the dressing room. Soon they got up on the stage. He saw the huge crowd cheering him. Everyone's eyes were on him but his were on a certain boy. Who averted looking into his eyes. Jimin was pouting. He looked so cute that it melted Jungkook's heart. He was reminded why he liked Jimin.

Jimin is so pure, innocent, naive but fierce, bold, ethereal, and childlike that Jungkook can't help but fall harder.

He wrote a song for Jimin. Even if Jimin doesn't believe him, he hopes the meanings behind the lyrics will reach Jimin. This is his only way to prove his true intention.

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