Harry and I spent the entirety of our stay with his family and by the time we left, I truly felt like I was apart of their family. His mum was probably the sweetest woman I'd ever met, we got on like a house on fire and shared mutual interests on embarrassing Harry. His dad was brilliant as well, when you break through that barrier he holds up he's honestly a lovely, lovely guy— although I don't think he could handle my dad and his rather offensive comments.
The second I walked through the front door I could hear Ronnie's shouting, I was absolutely shattered and completely used to it so I completely ignored him and went straight up to bed and crashed instantly.


This week had probably been the longest one of my life. If I wasn't working (which I was constantly) then I was out shopping for last minute bits before we fly out to Ibiza. We were all absolutely buzzing, the groupchat had been nonstop all week- every single one of us eager to get away from life for a week. To be honest I just couldn't wait to lounge around the pool with a cocktail in my hand and the girls by my side while the boys did whatever the heck they were going to do.
The flight was extremely early on Friday so thankfully I'd booked that day off work, that's another thing I looked forward too— no work for a week, no clients or meetings and most importantly, no fucking mountain of paperwork to fill out.

With the flight leaving at six, we'd have to leave for the airport around two or possibly three o'clock at a push. The stress was definitely real, I was running around like a headless chicken trying to get everything sorted for us two. I dreaded to even think what Josh felt like, he'd took control over everyone's documents and that seemed like an absolute nightmare considering there were so many of us travelling.
Harry lay on the bed watching me frantically packing everything I thought we might need, it had been two hours since he last told me that he was going to get up and start packing his stuff... two fucking hours. It was already eight o'clock and if I wanted to even try to get some sort of sleep, now would definitely have been the time but I wasn't tired whatsoever— in fact I was the complete opposite.
"Are you going to pack your stuff or am I going to have to do it for you?" I asked Harry with a slight attitude.
"We've still got ages yet." Was all he replied, he glanced up at me and held eye contact for no longer that three seconds before returning back to his phone.
"Harry you do realise that we have to leave in like four hours right?" He said nothing but nodded, I rolled my eyes and grabbed his suitcase before taking myself over to his drawers and grabbing a bunch of shorts, tops and other bits and bobs he would need for the week.
"What are you doing?" He asked groaning as he locked his phone and sat it on the bedside table.
"What does it look like? I'm packing your stuff, you know for the holiday we're going on in less than four hours."

Growing up I had such a short temper and as I got older, it definitely got worse— I also had absolutely no patience at all, which I inherited from my dad.
"I told you I'd do it myself." Harry sighed standing up and made his way over to his suitcase. He began chucking in the tops that I'd already folded neatly and honestly that's when I lost it.
"Are you seriously kidding me on? I've just sat for the past five minutes folding all of that and you've just came and fucked them all into the bloody case."
"Why did you fold them anyway? They're only gonna get wrecked." I rolled my eyes and stood up, walking away from him. I didn't even bother replying, instead I walked into Ronnie's bedroom to see if he was packed and ready to go but when I walked into the room, he was already sleeping. His suitcase was already sat beside his door along with his carry-on bag, I silently thanked him before I headed back out of the room as quietly as possible.

"Dyl? You alright?" I asked knocking on the door once before letting myself in. He was sat on his bed facing his tv, he sat the Xbox controller down the second I'd walked into the room.
"What's up?" He asked noticing something was wrong.
"Nothing, Harry and I had like a teeny blip but it's all good. I just had to walk away before I lost my shit." I leaned back and let my head rest on the many pillows he had on his bed, I'd honestly never met a man with this many pillows.
"What did he do?" Dylan asked turning his body around so he could talk to me properly.
"It's nothing big but you know what I'm like, he wouldn't pack his suitcase right— so I started doing it for him so then hopefully I could try to get some sleep before we leave. I folded everything up so it could all fit in the case right and then, THEN he comes and picks up the tops and just starts chucking them into the case." Dylan's eyes widened as I finished speaking.
"Fuck off! You'd think the guy would know you well enough by now, even I know not to mess up anything you've tidied up or folded or whatever."

Alright I'd admit that sometimes I can be a little extra— okay maybe not sometimes but like sixty percent? OKAY more like ninety-five percent, let's just blame the extreme OCD.

"Ugh I just cannot wait to get away for a week, I swear to god Dylan if this house is a mess when we get back I will murder you." I quickly changed the subject seeing as I didn't really want to talk about my current boyfriend with my ex-boyfriend, it just seemed weird but then again Dylan was the type of guy you could go to about anything and everything.
"I swear on the grounds of the daisy chain promise that this house will be in the same condition as you left it."
"Ahhhh! The daisy chain promise, I'd forgotten all about that."

The daisy chain promise was a thing that started when we were all around eight years old, it was Spring and I was obsessed with daisies at the time. I'd spent the entire of the Easter holidays making them and giving them out to people, it honestly got to the point that I'd be walking around covered in daisies along with Dylan, Ronnie and Layla.
They sorta became a symbol of our friendship and then it eventually spiralled into "The Daisy Chain Promise", whenever we made a promise— we'd hand the other a daisy chain. It was kinda of like locking each other's pinky fingers, an unbreakable promise.

"Everytime I see a daisy I always think about it, you were so obsessed with them." He chuckled as he unlocked his phone and began scrolling through it camera roll. I watched for a while until he finally landed on a photo of Ronnie, Layla, himself and me at the age of eight and nine. I smiled to myself at the memory, I had one on my head and four on each wrist— like I said... obsessed.
"I miss being young and stupid." Leaning back against the headboard I never took my eyes off him. Something between us had changed, I didn't know what it was but I looked at him differently now— then again he did basically rise from the dead.
"I'd give anything to go back to the way it used to be." I didn't reply, instead I looked up at the ceiling. Seconds later when I looked back towards him, I was met with his face centimetre's from mine... and then he kissed me.

Hey! This is pretty much a filler chapter because things are about to get SO GOOD! I honestly hope you're all buckled in and have your popcorn at the ready🤍

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