two halves of a whole.

Start from the beginning


Katherine," I began, my voice dripping with suspicion, "what exactly are you doing here? You never do anything unless there's something in it for you." Katherine feigned offense, her hand fluttering to her chest. "You wound me, sister," she said with a dramatic flair. I narrowed my eyes at her, unconvinced by her act.

In response, Katherine raised her hands in a gesture of surrender. "I'm here, Anastasiya, because ever since your little magic show, there's been a shift in the power dynamic. People are talking, and I thought you should know."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her thinly veiled concern. "And you're here to warn me out of the goodness of your heart? I thought the great Katherine Pierce didn't care about anyone but herself." I leveled my gaze at her, my skepticism unwavering.

Katherine took a slow sip of her drink before responding. "You, Anastasiya, are one of the few exceptions I make allowances for," she stated, a hint of sincerity in her tone. Despite her words, I couldn't help but wonder what ulterior motives she might be hiding.

Katherine's eyes bore into mine as she leaned in, her voice low and intense. "You don't understand, Anastasiya. You have no idea the kind of power you possess. Everyone wants a piece of you."

I raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. "And you don't?" I challenged.

Before I could finish my thought, a surge of ancient power coursed through me, an energy I hadn't felt in what felt like eons. The sensation was unmistakable—I was being summoned. Panic and anticipation flooded my veins as I dashed out of the restaurant, ignoring Katherine's cries for me to stop.

The pull was magnetic and irresistible. I raced through the streets, my feet pounding the pavement as I followed the trail of power. Katherine's voice faded into the background, replaced by the thunderous beat of my heart.

As I approached the source of the summons, my mind raced with possibilities. Who, or what, was powerful enough to command my presence after all this time? And what would they demand of me?

The pulsing rhythm of the club enveloped me as I stepped through the door, the music so loud it reverberated in my chest. But as I took another step forward, a sudden wave of power crashed over me, drowning out the cacophonous noise. Instantly, the eyes of the humans around me turned an eerie shade of emerald, their voices merging into a singular chorus.

"Hello, chaos," they intoned, their unison sending a chill down my spine. "What a lovely vessel your soul has reincarnated itself into."

I could feel the eyes of every person in the club locked on me, their gazes filled with an unsettling mix of curiosity and reverence. It was as if I was the only thing that mattered in that moment, the sole focus of an entity far greater than any individual present.

My heart pounded, the beat racing to match the tempo of the music. "Who are you?" I demanded, though a part of me already knew the answer. "What do you want with me?"

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