"Do you know who it was?", I ask.
"Like I said, nobody answered when I picked up and the caller ID said 'unknown'. And after they had woken me up for the seventh time I blocked the number and put my phone on 'do not disturb'."
"Well, you can sleep now. I mean, it will take us about four and a half hours to get to Liverpool so there'll be enough time. Feel free to use my shoulder as a pillow", I tell her jokingly, secretly hoping she would take the offer.

"I actually plan on sleeping the whole trip. I can't be tired at the game. So you guys better let me sleep", she says before taking her airpods out of her bag and putting them in her ears, "This is a precautionary measure so that I can assure no one will disturb my sleep."
Her answer makes her friends and I laugh but we don't say anything. Not even a minute later she has her music turned on and has closed her eyes.

"Okay, now that she can't hear us, Jobe, it's time to spill the tea. Do you like Maëlys? And I mean not just as a friend", Amari asks me.
For a second I was taken aback and just stare at them.

"Why do you-", is as far as I can get before I'm interrupted again.
"We've been guessing that you have a crush on our friend since you defended her on Riri's birthday", Kaya cuts in.
"I defended Mason and Jude as well, not just her."

"Still", Amari shrugs, "So, how far away are we from the truth?"
I don't answer and just turn to Maëlys only to find her with closed eyes and her head leaning against the window of the train.
"Don't worry, she doesn't hear you. I wouldn't be surprised either if she's already asleep. So now tell us", Amari assures me.

"Okay, fine, you're right, I guess. I do have feelings for her. I can't say if it's been like this since your party, but I've been thinking about her a lot", I tell them in all honesty.
"And talk a lot about her too", I hear Jude add from the side.
"Seriously? You've been listening?"
"We've all been listening, mate", Abdy claims.
As I look at Jolina and Mason for confirmation they both nod at me.

I groan in annoyance thinking about the fact that I just admitted my feelings to all of them.
"So you have a crush on my little sister?", Mason asks me. Oh god, I haven't thought about what he would think. As long as I've known him he's always been protective over her even when I didn't really know Maëlys before she started tutoring me.

"I guess I do. Is that a bad thing?"
"As long as you don't hurt her like her ex did and she also feels the same way, I'm fine with it. From what I know, you're a good guy", Mason tells me.
"Oh my days, Kai, I can't believe we're right", Amari giggles.
"I know. Now if Lee would stop being so delusional they could actually be a thing."

"Wait, you guys think she likes me too?", I ask them trying to hide the excitement in my voice.
"Well duh. Why do you think we left that seat open? Obviously so you two could sit next to each other. Someone has to play wingman", Kaya tells me.

Just then I feel Maëlys shift next to me. At first I'm scared she's fully awake and heard everything we said. But just seconds later I can feel her head lay down on my shoulder. This close I can hear her slow breath telling me she's definitely asleep.
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god", Amari says in a slightly high pitched voice.
"Shush, Riri. Don't you dare wake her up and ruin the moment", Kaya scolds her, though she can't hide her own excitement on her face.

"Calm down, you two. She's just resting her head on my shoulder. I literally offered her that. Besides, it's not like it's the first time", I tell them which just makes both girls giggle.
"Sure. But just so you know, Lee never does that to us. The only other time she's done that was with her ex Darien. He on the other side didn't always like it and pushed her away, that dick", Amari says annoyed.

"Why the hell would he do that? Isn't sleeping while resting your head on somebody else a sign that you feel comfortable? I don't know the guy, but from what I've seen and heard he didn't treat her the way she should have been treated", I tell them surprising myself on the anger I feel for Maëlys' ex-boyfriend.
I don't get a reply but the girls just look at each other with a smirk. Rolling my eyes I turn my head away from them only to find the others to smirk at me as well.

"God, can you all just wipe those smirks of your faces? Enough about Maëlys and me already. Amari, you've been quite calm about the fact that Jude is here."
I say the last part only loud enough for her and Kaya to hear. As a reaction her eyes widen and she stares at me.
"How do you-"
I nod at Maëlys and give her an answer before she can finish her question.

"I'm going to kill the both of you if you say anything in front of your brother, understood?", she threatens.
I just laugh at that but give her a nod.
Quickly we manage to change the topic and chat for some time.
About an hour or so later my own eyes begin to feel heavy. I rest my head on top of Maëlys' and close my eyes. It doesn't take me long to fall asleep as well.


another longer chapter for you guys🤝🏼.
jobe finally admitted his feelings🫣🫠.
now we just have to see if he'll admit them in front of maëlys🤷🏼‍♀️.
i don't really have anything else to say except i hope you liked it.
don't forget to vote and comment.
see you in the next one.
love yous💕

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