When she closed her phone with her face all red, Elizabeth took her luggage and takes her place in the plane.

Even if it wasn't a long flight she decided that it was the time to listen to Taylor's new album since she didn't had the chance yet.

She put her headphones, searched the album and pushed the button 'play'.

Welcome To New York played first. A small smile appeared on her face knowing how happy Taylor is since she moved in New York after she saw singer's posts some time ago.

When the song finished she could feel a little sadness because she really liked it but very fast after a new song came called Blank Space. For it she couldn't say nothing it is really a good song and she could feel that it's going to break the internet.

Style played next.  At the intro she could feel like she was 'floating' it is a really masterpiece. At the end of the song Elizabeth knew that it was about Harry Styles. Only from how Taylor said those words and the description was screaming his name.

Out Of  The Woods the 4th. The brunette really enjoyed the bridge.

All You Had To Do Was Stay well... this song made Elizabeth realise that maybe the two singers relationship wasn't really a relationship. Which it kinda made the girl mad. Taylor deserved better what she thought.

Shake It Off she knew the song since Taylor released in august. It was a fun song.

I Wish You Would this song was Elizabeth's favourite since now she really liked it.

Bad Blood she heard it like a week ago. She admitted to herself that the blonde looked so good it the music video.

Wildest Dreams another song that she knew and loved how Taylor looked in it. And yes she was so jealous of the man that she really didn't wanted to admit to herself and she said that she didn't care. But yes she did.

How You Get The Girl at this song Elizabeth didn't really know what to say only that boys should 'take notes'

This Love she liked it. It is a beautiful song with a beautiful meaning.

I know Places was next and she felt in love immediately. She loved this song so much. Sadly she was in a plane full of people but if she was alone she would dance.

Clean made her sad. It reminds her of her past and what she used to do when she was a teenager wich now she regrets it. But happy that she was finally clean after all these years.

Wonderland is a fun song. She enjoyed it.

You Are In Love a beautiful song with beautiful lyrics. When she was younger she wanted to experience love like in fairy tales but that never happened. She used to date guys when she was in high school on her early 20 but stopped when she decided that wanted to focus on her school and became a successful surgeon.

New Romantics when this song started she got off the plane with her suitcase in a hand, her purse on the shoulder and her phone in her hand with the headphones on.

When the song finished she realised that that was the last song. It made her sad. Now that she doesn't hear Taylor's voice in her ears she is feeling lonely even if she was in the middle off the crowd of people that were leaving the airport.

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