12. Close combat

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"Look who's here!" Sam greets me with a hug. "Haven't seen you in ages! I almost called the Avengers to track you down."

"Good to see you too." I laugh.

Seeing the whole Wilson family again makes me happy. Sarah and the kids seem to be doing better.

"Hi." A soft voice says behind me.

I turn to face Bucky. I'm glad to see him too. Not to mention his words from yesterday are still in my mind.


"Bucky! You coming to fight with us?" AJ asks as he pounces on him.

He traps his leg and his brother grips his vibranium arm. The super-soldier effortlessly lifts them off and begins a gentle battle against the two little boys. I chuckle as they attack him fiercely, without him moving an inch.

"Looking good, boys! Need some help?" I offer, rolling up my sleeves.

Happy to see me join their team despite my lack of expertise in this field, my supporters encourage me to beat their opponents out.

"I'm going to take it easy, I've been taught to respect the elderly." I tease Bucky with a smirk.

I push him provocatively and try to knock him down. Not only does he not move, but I'm the one who falls miserably to the ground to the laughter of the Wilson audience.

"Good, you're not being too gentle." I say as I stand up. "I'll show you, Grandpa."

"Grandpa, really?" He lifts a brow.

He parries each of my blows and attempts to take him down. Fed up that he doesn't even dare attack me, I change my tactic and decide to cling to his back.

"Try to get rid of me, now."

"As you wish, doll." He replies with a playful smile.

I can't say how he does it, but he takes me off within two seconds. I struggle fiercely and we both end up on the floor, him on top of me. I try to reverse our positions, but to no avail.

"Anyway, I still managed to knock you to the ground."

"You sure about that? You don't really seem to have the upper hand here." He notices, an inch from my face.

"One day I'll be able to kick your ass, you'll see." I retort, looking right into his eyes and trying hard not to let his proximity disconcert me.

"I'd like to see that."

He rises to his feet and offers me a hand that my pride keeps me from taking. He breaks into an amused smile, and his tongue passes over his lips in the most attractive way.

"What were you two doing on my lawn?" Sam questions, making us turn our heads towards him.

"Are you sure you want to know?" I tease him.

"Not really, no." He mumbles with a suspicious look as Bucky chuckles.

We sit down to dinner in a friendly atmosphere. This meal is a new remedy for my restless heart of the last few days. Once the children have gone to bed, we spend a little more time chatting.

"So, Bucky, how's it going with the ladies?" Sam inquire with a grin. "How are you doing with all those dates?"

"I don't have that many." He objects.

"Tired of it already?"

"It's just that I also have to focus on my training."

"Or to stop flirting around and find love?" Sarah suggests, making both of the guys stare at her.

"I thought the strategy was precisely for him to flirt around?" Her brother replies.

"I don't really have the time or the head for these things." Bucky shakes his head. "Besides, I'm not such a bargain myself."

"That's not what all those women you've conquered seem to think." She adds before looking at me. "Doesn't the coach have an opinion on this? You're pretty quiet suddenly."

"It's not my duty to interfere in his life." I say, looking up from the glass I've been hiding in. "He'll get into the swing of things when he feels ready."

"Thanks for your support!"

"At your service, Sergeant." I reply, mimicking a military salute with two fingers. "And what about you, Sam, shall we talk about your love life?"

"Well, I actually saw again the woman Bucky introduced me to before our mission."

"So, how did it go?"

"She was more interested in Captain America than in me."

"Ouch, sorry."

"I guess it's hard to be the face of America." Sam shrugs.

"You're such a humble man." I laugh.

"Well, I'm sorry, kids, but it's getting late." He yawns. "We have to leave early tomorrow."

"You're leaving?" I frown. "Where are you going?"

"Guess you didn't tell her." Sam sighs, looking at Bucky.

"We're going on a mission tomorrow." He explains, a little confused.

"Oh, I see." I say, trying to hide my disappointment. "How long will you be gone?"

"A few days."

I nod and press my lips together. Bucky and I have only just made up and he's already leaving. Not to mention that the last time he went on a mission, it didn't go so well.

"Then I'll let you get some rest. You're right, it's already pretty late. It's time for me to go."

"Let me take you home." Bucky offers.

"No, it's okay. I'm a grown woman, I can walk on my own."

His hand grabs my wrist. "I'm sorry, please don't reject me." He utters in a low voice so no one but me can hear him. 

The Risk Of Loving You | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now