A Peek At My Life.

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Chapter 14: (jungkook's pov)
Present day....

07:36 Am.

I was still sitting at the table, I have read those chapters for God know how many times since last two years

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I was still sitting at the table, I have read those chapters for God know how many times since last two years. It was still raining outside, she have mentioned everything in the diary, I was a jerk to take our child away from her, I was a jerk to do those things to her, I was a jerk to cheat on her.

Dear Diary,

Today was a difficult day. As I sat alone in our bedroom, watching videos of Taemin with his father, the pain in my heart felt unbearable. Seeing them together, happy and laughing, reminded me of everything I've missed out on.

Each video was like a dagger to my heart, a painful reminder of the moments I longed to be a part of but couldn't. Taemin's first steps, his first words - these were milestones I should have been there for, but instead, I watched them from afar, a silent observer to my own child's life.

And then there's Jungkook, the love of my life, caring for Taemin with such tenderness and affection. It hurts to see them together, knowing that I'm no longer a part of their everyday moments, that they've moved on without me.

It's a pain unlike any other, knowing that the ones you love the most are happy, but without you. But despite the ache in my heart, I hold onto hope that one day, things will be different. That one day, I'll be able to be there for Taemin, to share in his joys and triumphs, and to rebuild the love that was lost. I really wished the time comes soon before it gets too late.

But for now, all I can do is watch from the sidelines and pray for the day when I can finally be a part of their lives again.



I cried and cried holding her diary near to my heart that's what I could have done right ? The diary was the only comfort for me right ? I look at the wall clock, the ticking of the clock along with the rain.

I cried and cried holding her diary near to my heart that's what I could have done right ? The diary was the only comfort for me right ? I look at the wall clock, the ticking of the clock along with the rain

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I was still sitting at the table, the rain pattering against the window, a rhythmic backdrop to the turmoil in my mind. Y/n's diary lay open before me, her words echoing with painful truth. I had been blind, selfish, and foolish. The weight of regret pressed down on me, heavy and suffocating.

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