Chapter 1

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Her green backpack was the last thing Savannah grabbed before her mother called her name from downstairs. She quickly pulled out her black headband and fixed it in her brown hair as she ran down the steps, replying that she was on her way.

"You ready?" Her mother asked as Savannah arrived downstairs, spotting her cousin in the doorway, her mother holding the door for him.

"Yeah, sorry to keep you waiting, Jason," she responded to both of them.

"It's no problem," Jason replied with a smile.

"And you're sure you can get there on your own?" Savannah's mother said.

"We'll be fine, mom," Savannah reassured her as she stepped outside with her cousin. "Riverbed town is only like ten minutes away. We can make it there on our own."

"Got it," her mother nodded. "Stay safe, you two."

Jason gave her a thumbs up as he walked away from the house, his pace quickly turning into a run. Savannah waved goodbye to her mother as she chased after him.

"Wait up!" She called.

Jason only slowed when the two had left town, taking in a breath of the Saros air.

"What do you think your dad wants to show us?" He asked as the two walked along the path, staying away from the long grass which likely hid many pokemon the two wished not to disturb.

"I'm not sure. Probably something relating to his work."

"Do you think he's made any amazing discoveries yet? Discovered new pokemon?"

Savannah laughed as she responded. "He's only been a professor for two months, Jason. I doubt it's anything revolutionary."

"I know, but its nice to imagine!"

"Do you ever wonder about all the great things your dad did?"

"All the time."

Jason's memories of his father were few. He was three when a stampede of panicked Smokapi ran through a research camp. Not many were hurt in the disaster, but Jason's dad was never found.

"My dad tells me he was a great person. He loved pokemon with a passion that burned stronger than the sun."

"I wonder if I have that passion too."

"I bet you do. Didn't your mom say you wouldn't stop feeding random Oxpechick when you were younger?"

Jason laughed. "She had to help me build a bird feeder for them so that I'd stop giving them all our bread and crackers."

Savannah looked around. She could see a few Oxpechick in the trees around them. A few Hedgie were huddled together beneath a bush. In the distance, sparkling yellow pokemon that she assumed were Galvazelle frolicked together in a herd. She smiled, happy to be living in the world of Pokemon.


It didn't take long before the two spotted the lab in the distance. Jason picked up the pace, calling "Race you there!" and Savannah followed quickly. The town was small, like most towns in the Saros region. There was the lab, a gym, and a few houses as well as the pokecenter. Apart from that, it was nice and quiet.

Riverbed town was one of the only towns in the region with quick and easy access to water, being the only lakefront town. Savannah saw people fishing at the waters edge, some were riding pokemon on the lake, and others were gathered up while their pokemon drank. There were many pokemon there, but mainly Camdampal, a tall, light brown, hooved, quadruped pokemon with blue blanket-like fur on it and a large hump on its back with a hole from which it could spray water. No surprise, people came to Riverbed from all over the region with Camdampal to provide water for their towns. A single Camdampal could provide water for a single family for an entire month without needing to drink in between, so obviously they were very popular all over the Saros region.

Pokemon: A Burning Passion - A Fakemon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now