3: Bong

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|--Heart - Cry of Fear--|

Hours passed since he laid down on the cold concrete pavement, unable to get up because of his own burdens and failures. His eyes was still gazed upon the night sky, but rather fixed upon a random star that seemed to mock him of his own self-control. All he could do was wail on his own, lying on the pavement like a dead raccoon.

He soon mustered up his energy to get up after a while of lying there, having no idea about how late at night it was. With no recollection of what happened, let alone the time, he brushed off the dust from his clothes and made a rush to his home, hoping not to collide with anymore lightposts like that one.

He reached home after going through convoluted roads and whatnot. Upon unlocking the front door, the first thing he does is toss away his battered jacket on the living room floor and head to the kitchen, only to see Rose, eating dinner there.

"Oh you're back!" It did not take long for her to see the never-ending misery on his face, "Hey, what's wrong, Edd?"

Eddy just took a glass of water from the fridge, not saying a word to her.

"Where you going?" Rose still looked concerned for him, questioning about where he was that time.

He just gave a small gaze to her. "I'm going to change now," he said, before shutting the door on her.

In his room, Eddy aggressively threw his sweater to the ground, feeling ashamed of letting himself drift to where he's now. He put on his normal clothes after putting his old ones in his closet, before washing off his hands.

"Still hadn't gotten over her, huh?" Rose asks him at the dinner table as he was quietly munching on his food.

In response, Eddy gave a small nod to her.

Rose took a moment to come up with something, "Well, why don't we light up the mood a bit?" Her attempt at helping was met with a weak smile from Eddy, though he appreciated her effort of easing the tension in him. His smile didn't quite reach her eyes, as he kept silent, his gaze fixed on the plate as he lifted the fork to his mouth.

"I was hoping maybe we could watch something together," she continued, her voice bright with forced enthusiasm "You can pick it!"

Eddy nodded monotonously, his mind elsewhere as he chewed on the food.

As he made the way to his room, Eddy's eyes fell on a piece of paper lying on the couch table. He picked it up to see that it was a flyer for a therapist, reading, 'can't get off?' in big red letters on the top. Without a second thought, he crumpled the flyer and tossed it into the trash can, not finishing what it later read.

As he retreated to his room, the thought of that flyer remained in his head, as he had not seen something like that before here. He laid down on his bed, hoping to forget about his recent ex, as well as the thought of going to therapy. After a while, Eddy emerged his room, seeing Rose on the couch.

"I thought you changed your mind." she said as Eddy got out from the door.

Eddy managed a small smile. "Yeah, why not!" he uttered, his tone filled with whatever enthusiasm he had.

Soon after, he took the remote from her hands and searched for his favorite movie on the TV. Together, they watch Eddy's most favorite one out of them all, with Rose trying hard not to fall asleep during the show. The remaining excitement she had was now gone throughout watching the show as she tried hard not to make it evident.

"Wow, you're really into this?" she soon uttered, which made Eddy turned his head to her.

"What are you talking about?" Eddy replied, sounding skeptical, "This show's the best!"

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