Part 4

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A beautiful woman in her 40ties was working in the kitchen while humming a song. She was so busy in her work, that she failed to notice a certain bunny trying to sneak up on her.

Jungkook was taking slow & cautious steps, trying to be as quite as possible. Tip-toe, tip-toe. Finally stopping right behind the said woman and...

He screamed loudly, then started laughing at his mother's scared face.

The lady, Mrs. Jeon Yeobin turned around with a hand on her chest, where the heart is supposed to be. Face pale & eyes wide. Her mouth hung open due to the sudden scream.

 Her mouth hung open due to the sudden scream

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Jungkook's laugh was replaced by a painful moan when Yeobin caught his ear and twisted it.

"Ouch... Maa please let go, it hurts. And how can you swear at your own son?"
Yeobin stared at his son with bored eyes, who was trying to release his ear from her hold. She sighed, finally letting go of him.

"You fuking dimwit. Im your mother. I gave birth to a shithead like you. Of course I can swear at you. It's every mother's right to swear at their child." Yeobin said nonchalantly, as her right eyebrow raised in a beautiful curve.

Jungkook who was rubbing his sore ear, stopped and covered both of his ears with his hands. Eyes closed tightly and head shaking in denial. "My ears might bleed if I hear you say anymore of those sweet words to me."

Jeon Yeobin was a divorced lady. She was married off to a toxic house hold at an early age. At first, like many other Indian women, she tried to get used to it or tolerate it.

But once she got pregnant, she had enough of it. 'Because you may harm a woman but you can never harm a mother'. So she decided to break things off.

Just like a fearless tigress she fought the society and accepted the so called taboo of divorse. She would never let her child be born in such a toxic environment.

Her parents were disappointed at her but she didn't care. The only support she received was from her elder brother, who was a lawyer. Her brother fought for the future of his sister and for his upcoming nephew/niece.

After a lot of hardships they finally won and Yeobin was able to breathe the air of freedom.

And now... All of that hard work, just to hear your son say you can't swear at him. 'Huh... You wish kiddo'. She smirked putting both of her hands on her hips giving him an alpha pose.

Jungkook gulped nervously, seeing his mother give him that pose which clearly said 'don't try to mess with your mom'.

So he pouted like a 2 year old baby & mumbled softly. "Ok, maybe you can swear at me sometimes."

My Drama Queen👑[𝕋𝕒𝕖𝕜𝕠𝕠𝕜]Where stories live. Discover now