Storm:*gasp*hi, sweetheart!

The women spun a bit with her son in her arms before holding him in her arms and smiled at her son

Storm:were those clouds you?

The six year old nodded his little head at his mother with a proud grin on his face

Y/n:yep, it was all me!

Logan would walk up to them and ruffled his sons hair, having finished up one of his history classes and smiled at his son

Logan:looks like we got ourselves a mini-Storm on the way

The mother of his son would giggle before she and Logan shared a quick kiss as the other X-men walked past them

Pietro:can you guys maybe not suck on each other's faces with the kid around? Seems very inappropriate!

The young mutans parents would let out chuckles as Y/n gained a huge smile upon seeing Pietro leaving the X-jet

Y/n:Uncle Silver!

The white haired Mutant would scramble out his mother's arms and rushed over to Pietro who cought the boy and held the boy up in the air

Pietro:jeez kid your getting big!

The speedster then tossed the boy up in the air and used his speed to catch him and run around with the boy who laughed the whole way through

Pietro:you sure you're not a speedster?

The speedster would stop and hold the young Mutant in his arms who giggled at his uncle


The young Mutant was then lifted out Pietro's arms as the boy laughed while floating in the air as he soon floated over to his auntie Jean before he fell into her arms with a giggle

Jean:how's my wittle white dove~?

The women cooed as she tickled the boy who laughed and kicked his legs in laughter while being tickled by his auntie

Jean:you behave yourself?

The women asked as the young boy puffed out his chest in pride at her

Y/n:Grandpa Xavier says I'm the most well behaved in the whooole house!

Scott would then join Jean and smiled at the boy while ruffling his hair

Scott:is that so? Even more than your dad?

Y/n:especially my dad!

Scott would spare Logan a smug grin as the clawed Mutant just extended his middle claw at Scott as both women giggled silently at them before Storm used her Mutantion to form a small eain cloud under her son and brought him back to her arms and smiled at the team

Storm:I'll see you guys later!

The team bid their farewells as the family trio left the X-men base under the school and towards their room as Storm sighed tiredly while closing the door behind her

Logan:long mission?

Storm:like you have no idea

The women pushed herself off the door while setting their son down on the floor who peaked up at his mom from behind her cape

Y/n:did you get us anything?!

Storm smiled at her son and pulled out one of his favorite sweets, F/S, the boy would swipe the candy from his mother's hand and kissed her on the cheek

Y/n:thanks mom! Your the best!

Storm would spare Logan a cheeky smile as Logan held a small smile on his face as Storm hugged her son while smiling slyly at the man she loves

White Wolf(suicide Squad X Son Of Logan Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora