"What's this? I thought it's going to be simple," I say, keeping my eyes down behind the veil, and he nods to it.

"It's simple. Just say the words written in front of you," he replies and I feel a smile in his voice.

"I thought I'd only have to say 'I do'," I murmur and he pulls back, giving me a small reply, "No. You'll have to vow solemnly to me and God."

I try not to freak out. He is saying this to make it more solemn and powerful. It? — of course, our marriage.

I don't say that saying only 'I do' doesn't complete a marriage but saying the words with your own mouth holds power.

He knows the power of words. He knows the tongue in our mouths is a way to either life or death. My father taught me the revelation and I still remember it. It's another thing that I don't have any fear of.

But Barak knows it. He knows the universe will answer and there would be a commotion in the stars if we confess with our tongues.

Holding my attention, he starts saying the vow, beginning with;

"I thank God for His divine will in bringing us together. For He saw good in giving me to you, and you to me, I rejoice in the beautiful desire of my Lord God, the creator of heaven and earth. And now I vow to love and cherish the woman He is willing to give me."

Eyes trained on the words written in front of him, he says those words and the beginning of it has me captured with the truth and faithfulness that his tone holds.

"Like a gift from above, you're to me, Mikayla. I'll cherish you like Elkanah. I'll never leave your side like Ruth. I'll remain steadfast to you as I'm committed to the Lord my God. I'll stand by your side like Hoshea and will protect you with my life. Lord forbid if such a situation comes but if it's sent from above, I will not hesitate to lay my life for you."

Maybe I'm lost in him for the moment being that nothing makes sense to me as long as he speaks.

Brightness being dusted over his attractive features that enter through the high windows of the church, I see his lips moving as he makes those vows to me while his eyes bow in respect to the Word of the living God.

"I will never take you for granted. I'll lead you and guide you as my Lord Jesus Christ leads me. I'll follow His teachings and obey His commands. I'll lead by example, with patience and understanding. I'll be slow to anger and quick to listen. I will be a strong spiritual leader in our home through good times and bad, in joy and sorrow. I will love you and be faithful to you alone from this day forward until God calls us home. This is my solemn pledge to you and God."

I didn't even realize when it ended. Say that I loved listening to him. And it is true. His words supported by the verses written in the Bible held my breath and my heart was beating wildly inside my chest. Why did he do this? I still blame him, maybe I'll keep blaming him for what he does to my heart, being oblivious to it.

How innocent he stands!

I don't know what was so special in those words that I feel tears burning my eyes and my chin wobbling. Especially when he said he would be slow to anger and quick to listen. I know it's written in the Bible. We aren't even married yet he dreams of a home with me. Yeah, I've noticed each word that left his mouth.

I don't wish to show him this.

I lower my eyelids, casting them upon the page opened before my eyes. It gets blurry. I blink my eyes to look clearly as I say the vows written in front of me;

"Barak," I take a deep breath before continuing as I feel like my voice is too low to be heard, "in the presence of God, our family, and friends, I take you today as my husband."

Love Me, MikaylaWhere stories live. Discover now