Fight for you ♡ Woo Ram

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Playing: Eight  BY  IU ft  Suga

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Playing: Eight BY IU ft Suga



The school hallways were alive with the usual hustle and bustle, but Woo Ram and Y/N found themselves in a quieter corner. Woo Ram had his phone out, camera focused on Y/N. He was documenting their school life, capturing the candid moments that made their daily life special.

"Okay, Y/N, pretend I'm not here." Woo Ram said, chuckling as he started recording. He loved capturing her in her natural element, finding beauty in her unfiltered expressions.

Y/N turned, giving him a playful glare. "Woo Ram, you know I hate being filmed." she protested, but her smile betrayed her.

"I know, I know." Woo Ram replied, his eyes twinkling with mischief behind the camera. "But these are the moments we'll want to remember, trust me."

Y/N sighed, shaking her head in amusement. "Alright, fine. But only because it's you." she conceded, turning back around to continue her work on the school project.

As Woo Ram continued filming, he couldn't help but comment, "You know, Y/N, you're really beautiful when you're focused."

Y/N blushed, her cheeks turning a soft pink. "Woo Ram!" she exclaimed, but she couldn't hide the smile that tugged at her lips.

Woo Ram just laughed, his heart feeling light. This was what he loved about their friendship - the ease, the laughter, the shared moments. And he was glad he could capture it all, one video at a time.

Across the school courtyard, Hyeo Yool and his friends were observing the scene from a distance. They were leaning against the school building, their eyes fixed on Woo Ram and Y/N. Hyeo Yool's gaze was particularly intense, his eyes tracking every interaction between the two.

His friends noticed the change in his demeanor. "Hyeo Yool, you've been watching them for a while now." Yoo joon one of his friends commented, nudging him gently.

Hyeo Yool shrugged, trying to play it cool. "Just observing." he replied, his gaze never leaving Woo Ram and Y/N.

But his friends knew better. They had known Hyeo Yool long enough to recognize the look in his eyes. It was more than just curiosity; there was a hint of longing, a touch of envy.

"Hyeo Yool, you like Y/N, don't you?"Joo won asked, earning a round of chuckles from the group.

Hyeo Yool didn't respond, his expression turning serious. He watched as Woo Ram and Y/N laughed at something, their shared laughter echoing across the courtyard. A pang of jealousy shot through him. He wished he could be the one to make Y/N laugh like that, to share such moments with her.

But for now, all he could do was watch from afar, nursing his feelings in silence. His friends, sensing his mood, didn't push further. They understood that sometimes, words weren't necessary. Sometimes, silence spoke volumes.


The cafeteria was buzzing with the chatter of students enjoying their lunch break. Y/N and Woo Ram were making their way through the crowd, trays in hand, looking for a place to sit. Y/N was animatedly talking about her latest book, gesturing with her free hand, while Woo Ram listened with an amused smile.

Suddenly, Y/N bumped into someone, causing her drink to spill all over a neatly pressed shirt. She looked up, mortified, to find Hyeo Yool staring back at her. His shirt was now stained with her drink, but he didn't seem angry. Instead, he looked surprised, his eyes wide.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" Y/N exclaimed, hastily setting her tray down on a nearby table. She started to frantically dab at his shirt with some napkins, but Hyeo Yool gently grabbed her hand to stop her.

"It's okay, Y/N."he said, a small smile playing on his lips. "It's just a shirt. Accidents happen."

Y/N looked at him, relief washing over her. "Thank you for understanding, Hyeo Yool. I'll make sure to be more careful next time," she said, returning his smile.

Woo Ram, who had been maintaining a friendly demeanor, felt a strange twinge of discomfort as he watched Hyeo Yool and Y/N's interaction. His grip tightened on his tray, the plastic creaking slightly under the pressure. His usual easy-going smile was replaced with a tight-lipped expression.

"Alright, Y/N, let's go find a seat," Woo Ram said, his tone a bit more brisk than usual. He gently took Y/N by the arm, leading her away from Hyeo Yool.

Y/N looked at Woo Ram, a bit surprised by his sudden change in demeanor. "Woo Ram, are you okay?" she asked, her brows furrowing in concern.

Woo Ram forced a smile, shaking his head. "I'm fine, Y/N. Let's just enjoy our lunch, okay?"

As they walked away, Woo Ram couldn't help but glance back at Hyeo Yool. The sight of him chatting amicably with his friends, as if nothing had happened, made Woo Ram's jaw clench. He didn't understand why he felt this way, but he couldn't shake off the unease. For now, all he could do was focus on Y/N, hoping his feelings would settle soon.

As Woo Ram sat there, eating his lunch alongside Y/N, his mind was still preoccupied with what had transpired earlier. He couldn't help but replay the scene in his head, the sight of Y/N and Hyeo Yool interacting, and the pang of jealousy that had coursed through him.

He knew deep down that his feelings were irrational. Y/N had always been a supportive and caring friend, and there was no reason for him to doubt their bond. But sometimes, emotions had a way of clouding his judgment, making him question things that he shouldn't.

Woo Ram took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing thoughts. He reminded himself that Y/N had chosen him as her best friend for a reason. Their friendship had stood the test of time, and he knew that their connection was strong.

He realized that he needed to address his own insecurities and trust in the strength of their friendship. Jealousy had no place in their relationship, and he didn't want it to tarnish the bond they had built over the years.

With a renewed determination, Woo Ram made a silent promise to himself. He would work on overcoming his jealousy and focus on cherishing the friendship he had with Y/N. He knew that open communication and honesty were key, and he vowed to share his feelings with her when the time was right.

Y/N noticed that Woo Ram seemed lost in his thoughts, his gaze fixed on something in the distance. Curiosity sparked in her, and she couldn't help but wonder what was on his mind. She raised an eyebrow, silently questioning him.

Woo Ram, catching her gaze, raised his eyebrows in response. He seemed a bit surprised that she had noticed his distraction. But before he could respond, Y/N pouted and stared at him, her mouth still full of food. She tried to ask if he was okay, but her words were muffled by the food.

Woo Ram couldn't help but find her pout adorable, and he chuckled softly. "Y/N, you're too cute," he said, his voice filled with amusement. "But no worries, I'm fine. Just lost in thought for a moment."

He reached across the table and gently patted her hand. "Thank you for your concern, though. It means a lot to me."

Y/N, still pouting, swallowed her food and gave him a playful glare. "Well, next time, don't stare off into space without telling me what's going on in that head of yours," she said, trying to sound stern but failing to hide a hint of a smile.

Woo Ram grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Deal. I promise to keep you in the loop next time. But for now, let's finish our meal and enjoy each other's company."

Hyeo Yool and his friends continued to enjoy their time in the classroom, laughing and teasing each other as they sat at their classmates' table. Amidst the playful banter, Hyeo Yool's attention was momentarily drawn towards Y/N, who was engrossed in sketching something on her paper.

Curiosity sparked within Hyeo Yool as he couldn't help but take a glance at Y/N's artwork. He admired her talent and creativity, appreciating the way she poured her thoughts and emotions onto the paper. Hyeo Yool found himself captivated by the way Y/N's hand moved gracefully, bringing the sketch to life.

In that moment, Hyeo Yool's laughter subsided, and a sense of admiration washed over him. He marveled at Y/N's ability to express herself through art, finding it both inspiring and intriguing.

Hyeo Yool's gaze lingered for a moment longer, appreciating the way Y/N's eyes sparkled with concentration and passion. He couldn't help but feel a sense of connection and appreciation for her unique talents.

As the class continued around them, Hyeo Yool's friends noticed his brief distraction and followed his gaze towards Y/N. They exchanged knowing glances, understanding the unspoken admiration that Hyeo Yool held for their friend.

With a smile, Hyeo Yool returned his attention to his friends, joining in their laughter and banter once again. However, a newfound appreciation for Y/N's artistic abilities lingered in his mind, deepening his admiration for the multi-faceted person she was.

Y/N sat quietly, fully engrossed in her sketching, while her friends Woo Ram, So Mi, and Joo Young engaged in conversation nearby. Y/N's focus remained on her artwork, unaware of the dynamics unfolding around them.

So Mi, ever observant, noticed Hyeo Yool's persistent gaze towards Y/N. With mischievous intent, she playfully poked Woo Ram's hip to get his attention, causing him to turn towards her with a glare.

"Hey, Woo Ram, have you noticed how Hyeo Yool keeps staring at Y/N? It's like he can't take his eyes off them. Maybe he secretly likes them." So mi whispered so Y/n woudn't hear anything while smirking.

Woo Ram's expression shifted, a mix of surprise and annoyance crossing his face as he listened to So Mi's teasing words. He couldn't help but find the idea amusing, even if he didn't fully believe it.

"Oh, come on, So Mi. Don't start with the matchmaking nonsense. Hyeo Yool and Y/N? That's just too far-fetched." Woo ram replied focus on his camera as he glared at So mi

So Mi chuckled, enjoying Woo Ram's reaction.

"Well, you never know! Stranger things have happened. Maybe they have a secret connection brewing."

Woo Ram rolled his eyes playfully, not fully buying into So Mi's teasing but still entertained by the idea.

"Yeah, yeah, keep dreaming, So Mi. I highly doubt there's anything going on between them. Let's focus on fixing my camera, shall we?"

The two girls laughed, their banter lightening the mood in the classroom. While Woo Ram and So Mi continued their playful teasing, Y/N remained blissfully unaware of the attention they were receiving.

As the class progressed, Y/N's sketching continued, capturing the essence of their surroundings.

Part 1

< Part 2 is on going >

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