Lost◇ Jun Hee

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(It's been awhile now and i hadn't posted any story TT i'm truly sorry for keeping you waiting but yeah i'm bavk and will update ya'll again with a bunch of imagines about them enjoy!)

(It's been awhile now and i hadn't posted any story TT i'm truly sorry for keeping you waiting but yeah i'm bavk and will update ya'll again with a bunch of imagines about them enjoy!)

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       <All I Want ▪︎ By Rodrigo>
🎧      Headphones recommended while       reading this lol🎧

Jun Hee sat alone in his room, mindlessly scrolling through his phone. It had been a week since he last saw Y/n, his beloved girlfriend. They had been forced into playing a dangerous game of Mafia, where the stakes were high and survival was not guaranteed. Every night, they faced the risk of being eliminated by the mysterious mafias among them.

Little did Jun Hee know, during the night, Y/n had been brutally taken out of the game. The others had decided not to inform him, knowing the devastating effect it would have on him. They believed that their friend Jun Hee would spiral into insanity if he discovered the truth. But they underestimated the pain he would feel from not knowing.

One fateful evening, as Jun Hee absentmindedly wandered through the corridors of their hiding place, he overheard a conversation that shook him to his core. His friends were talking about Y/n, whispering words that stabbed him in the heart. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. His legs moved on their own accord, walking towards the room where the conversation was taking place.

He swung the door open, and his friends turned to face him. Their expressions were filled with guilt and sympathy, but Jun Hee saw only betrayal. "How could you not inform me? Why didn't you tell me what happened to Y/n?" his voice trembled with a mixture of anger and despair.
The room fell into an uneasy silence as they exchanged glances, unsure of how to respond.

One of them finally spoke up, Na Hee's voice barely above a whisper. "We... We thought it would be better for you if you didn't know. We didn't want you to break down completely."
His chest tightened, and Jun Hee could feel a storm raging within him. He scoffed as tears build up in his eyes.

"Do you think hiding this away from me, is a good idea so what? I can't see her anymore?"

Eunchan stared at him for awhile as he sighed. "We have to get this over with okay? We will catch that person Jun Hee."

Jun Hee gripped his collar as he looked at him while the others tried to calm him down but it was no use. At ALL

Jun Hee laughs silently as the tears continuesly slide down his face. "It's too late Eun chan. She's gone."

He couldn't believe that they had kept this from him. The room seemed to shrink as he struggled to contain his overwhelming emotions. He had to see Y/n, he had to know for himself.
Without waiting for a response, Jun Hee ran towards the storage room where they had hidden Y/n's body. The door creaked open, revealing the chilling sight of a freezer. His heart pounded in his chest as he approached it slowly, his hands trembling. With a mixture of dread and longing, he opened the freezer door.
There she was, lying peacefully amidst the cold with a few dead body's of his classmates. Y/n's once vibrant eyes were closed forever, and her warmth had been replaced by the icy touch of death. Jun Hee's tears fell freely as he cradled her lifeless body in his arms, unable to comprehend the reality before him.

His classmates, who had followed him silently, watched with sympathetic eyes. They could see the pain etched on his face, the disbelief in his eyes. One by one, they approached him, offering words of consolation and comfort. Their hearts ached for their friend, knowing that nothing they said could truly heal his wounded soul.
Jun Hee's emotions erupted like a volcano. He banged on the tables and chairs around him, his grief turning into rage. "How could you all keep this from me? How could you not tell me about her?!" His voice cracked with anguish as tears streamed down his face.

The room fell into chaos as his classmates tried to calm him down, to soothe his pain. But Jun Hee couldn't be consoled. His heart had shattered into a million pieces, and the weight of his loss threatened to suffocate him.
Amidst the chaos, Jun Hee found a brief moment of clarity. His voice turned hollow, devoid of any emotion. "Why her?" he whispered, his voice barely audible. Memories of their promises to survive together flashed through his mind.


The two were sitting alone in the pool the girl still traumatized from what happened to Heo Yool. Jun Hee hugged her side comforting her.

"We will survive this together Y/n remember im always here right by your side." He said as he snuggled his face to her neck as she sighed from the comfort thanking jun hee for being there on her side everyday.

"I'm just scared jun hee, i just want to go home. I don't want to stay here." Y/n sniffed as she look up at him.

Jun Hee held Y/n's hands softly staring right in her eyes. "Promise me one thing Y/n we can survive this. Whatever danger we face we will always stay together okay?" He replied a smile appearing on his face as he held his pinky finger towards her which she returned by chuckling as she sniff before tanggling there pinky fingers together as she hugged him tightly.

"I promise."


mocking him for their impossibility. It was too late now, his world had crumbled around him.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Jun Hee's pain remained, a constant companion. Time did not heal his wounds; it only taught him to navigate through the shards of broken dreams. His classmates stood by him, their support unwavering, even as they carried their own burden of guilt.

Jun Hee's grief transformed him, molding him into someone stronger yet forever scarred. The Mafia game had stolen Y/n from him, but it couldn't steal the memories they shared or the love that had blossomed between them. And so, with every tear shed, Jun Hee vowed to remember her, to honor her in his broken yet beating heart.

The Mafia game had taken more than just their lives. It had torn apart friendships, shattered dreams, and left scars that would never fade. Jun Hee learned that sometimes, even in the darkest of times, it is the love and support of those around us that helps us endure.
And so, as Jun Hee carried the weight of his loss, he vowed to never let another soul drown in the depths of despair. Inspired by Y/n's memory, he became a beacon of hope for others who had known similar pain. Through his kindness and understanding, he helped others find solace in their darkest moments, proving that even from the depths of sorrow, resilience and compassion can bloom.

"I will seek revenge just for you."

𝙉𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙃𝙖𝙨 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙄𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now