Affection♡ Eun Chan

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<Use Spotify while reading cuz if you ever scroll down while the music plays in background it stops so maybe use some music apps like spotify or sort of other music you use to enjoy the moment!>

<Use Spotify while reading cuz if you ever scroll down while the music plays in background it stops so maybe use some music apps like spotify or sort of other music you use to enjoy the moment!>

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Eun Chan and Y/n were childhood friends who had grown up together in the same neighborhood. They shared a special bond that was evident to anyone who saw them together.

Eun Chan, a student boy with a heart full of love, had a unique way of showing his affection to Y/n - through back hugs and cuddles. Whenever he saw her at school, he would sneak up from behind and wrap his arms around her waist, pulling her close and showering her with warmth.

Y/n, on the other hand, was the center of Eun Chan's world. She appreciated his affectionate nature and enjoyed being snuggled or back hugged by him. It made her feel safe and loved. Although some people found it unconventional, Eun Chan's best friend, Nam Yeon Woo, understood their bond and supported them wholeheartedly. He would often tease them and playfully joke about their affectionate gestures, but deep down, he admired their love and envied their connection.

One sunny day, as Eun Chan and Y/n walked hand in hand through the school hallways, their classmates watched in disbelief as they teased them from a distance.

"My ships arw gonna sail prerry soon just watch." Jin Ha replied watching in the distance as they watch the two walk the hallway.

"I don't like people breaking both there relationship. Its like watching a kdrama."

Hyeo Yool said as he leaned against the locker munching his chips as he observe the two laughing together.

Some whispered in admiration as the two walked pass them envying there relationship together wishing they got the position.

During their lunch break, Eun Chan and Y/n sat under a blossoming cherry tree in the school courtyard. The soft petals danced in the gentle breeze, creating a picturesque scene. Eun Chan wrapped his arms around Y/n, pulling her close as they enjoyed their meal together.

"My mom cooked that for you. She told me that was one of your favorits dish." Eunchan said as he gave hand me some chopsticks Y/n stared in awe as he thanked him.

"Tell your mom it was the best dish i had! You should bring more of this everyday." Y/n replied a smile plastered on her face as she continued eating the food his mom made for her as he stared at her with a grin plastered in his face.

"You know, Eun Chan," Y/n said with a smile, "you have a unique way of showing your love. Back hugs and cuddles are not something everyone understands."
Eun Chan chuckled and pressed a gentle kiss on Y/n's forehead. "I know, but this is how I feel connected to you. It's my way of letting you know that you mean everything to me."
Y/n leaned into the embrace, feeling a sense of contentment. "And I love you for it. No one else has ever made me feel so cherished."

As they basked in each other's presence, Nam Yeon Woo approached them, accompanied by their circle of friends. He couldn't help but grin mischievously as he witnessed their adorable display of affection.
"Eun Chan, Y/n, can't you ever control your lovey-dovey selves?" Nam Yeon Woo teased, nudging Eun Chan playfully.
Eun Chan laughed. "Why should we? Love is meant to be expressed, and Y/n loves my back hugs, don't you, Y/n?"

Y/n blushed and nodded, feeling the warmth spread through her body. "Absolutely. There's something comforting about your affectionate gestures, Eun Chan. It makes me feel like I'm the most cherished person in the world."

Their friends chuckled, watching their love unfold in front of them "But seriously you guys we really hope this lovey dovey of you both lasts really long. This is just so unexpected i've been shipping you both secretly and guess what it really did happen!" Jin Ha replied as he keeps blabbering about the two lovers sitting in front of them watching him keep on going.

As Yeon woon slaps his back "Yah keep going and i'll cut your tounge off!" Yeon Woo yelled "Can't still believe though i've been dreami- okay i'll stop." Jin Ha did the Zip mouth as Hyun Ho continued glaring at him to stop as the others laugh at him.

They admired the unique bond Eun Chan and Y/n shared, realizing that true love came in many different forms.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, but Eun Chan's affection for Y/n never waned. His back hugs and cuddles remained constant, becoming a symbol of their deep connection. People around them gradually grew accustomed to their unique display of love, and some even began to understand its significance.
One fateful day, while walking home together, Eun Chan and Y/n stumbled upon a quiet park. They decided to take a break under a picturesque gazebo.

Eun Chan gazed into Y/n's eyes, his voice filled with love and sincerity. "Y/n, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You are the missing piece in my puzzle, the person who makes my heart complete. Will you be mine forever?"
Y/n's eyes welled up with tears of joy as she nodded. "Yes, Eun Chan, a thousand times yes. You have shown me a love like no other, and I want to be with you always."
Their friends, who had secretly been watching from a distance, erupted into applause and cheers. They rushed towards Eun Chan and Y/n, enveloping them in hugs and laughter. Nam Yeon Woo grinned proudly, knowing that he had witnessed something truly beautiful unfold.

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