Chapter 20

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N I A L L | two days later

"Okay, so remember that I'm supposed to be dating Molly," I said as we parker the car in the airport's parking lot. "So, Darcy, you can't tell anyone about me and mummy, okay?"

"Why?" She asked.

"Because mummy and I are supposed to he broken up," I replied. "I'll just find an opportunity to tell the fans that I just wanted my kids with me on tour, which means mummy has to come too,"

"You love mummy, right?" Darcy asked.

"Of course I do," I replied before kissing Amy's cheek.

"Eww!" Darcy said, causing both me and Amy to laugh, and Jaxon to wake up from his nap. "Look, he woke up!"

"He sure did," Amy said and smiled at her, "Now come on. We don't wanna be late, do we?"

"No, we don't," Darcy replied. We then got out of the car. I got Darcy out of her seat while Amy got Jaxon out of his.

"Amy, you go first with the kids and I'll walk a bit behind just to clear things up with a couple fans who then can spread the story about this whole thing," I told Amy, and she nodded.

"Come on, Darcy," She said and grabbed Darcy's hand while holding Jace in her other arm.

While they headed into the airport, I got all of our luggage out of the trunk.

I then headed inside to see not more than twenty fans inside. They all screamed as they saw me, so I took the opportunity to go over and talk to them.

Because it wasn't so many of them, I would be able to have a little conversation with them.

"Hey, girls," I said as I walked over to them. Most of them just began screaming, but one of them asked the question I wanted to hear.

"Aren't you dating Molly?" The girl asked.

"Yeah, I am," I replied, even though it was a lie. I was madly in love with Amy, and nothing could ever change that.

"Then why is Amy here?" She asked.

"Well, I just wanted the kids with me on tour, but Amy didn't want to be away from them, so I just told her that she could come too," I replied, and I was just glad she bought it. "Do me a favor and tell the rest of the fandom this, okay? I don't want any misunderstandings,"

"Of course," She replied.

"Thank you," I said. Then I took pictures with all the girls who were there before heading back to Amy and the kids.

"How'd that go?" She asked, not looking at me. I knew the reason she wasn't looking at me was to keep the lie going.

"It went good." I replied. "Now let's get us checked in, yeah?"

"Okay," She replied.

We checked in and got our luggage sent. Then we headed to the security.

After we passed security, everything left to do was wait.

"Can I hold Jaxon?" I asked Amy as we sat down by the gate.

"Of course," She replied and handed him to me.

His beautiful blue eyes were lighting up as his tiny little hands reached out for my finger.

"Look how cute his nose is, daddy," Darcy said and poked his nose. "And look how small his ears are,"

"You know, you had small ears and a cute nose as a baby too," I told her.

"How do you know that? You weren't even here," She said which only made me feel guilty.

"Well, your mummy has shown me photos of you from when you were a little baby," I replied and smiled at her. "You know, I can already tell he's gonna look a lot like you when he grows up,"

"How?" She asked.

"Because he looks a lot like you did when you were a baby," I replied and gave her a smile which she returned.

"I'm just gonna go and call Taylor to see how he's doing," Amy said as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. Then she headed into the ladies bathroom right across the hall.

I could tell she wasn't comfortable leaving Taylor. The poor boy had cancer, and I knew she wanted to just break down crying. I understand she's afraid he'll die someday, which means it's up to me to assure her that will never happen.

"Is mummy said because of uncle Taylor?" Darcy asked.

"Yeah, she is," I replied. "But he'll be okay. I know he will,"

"I know that too," She replied. I knew she was getting sad too, so it was my mission to lighten the mood.

"Hey, Darcy, let's take Jaxon's first selfie, yeah?" I said.

"Yes!" She replied and instantly began smiling. Mission complete.

I pulled out my phone and opened the camera.

I held Jaxon agains my chest as Darcy sat on my right knee. Darcy kissed Jaxon's cheek as I snapped the photo of us.

It was such an adorable picture, so I decided to upload it to instagram with the caption 'Jaxon's first selfie!! Gonna teach him to be the king of all selfies when he grows up'

I instantly got comments about how cute Jace is and how sweet Darcy is with him.

I agree with them, though. Darcy is such a great big sister to Jaxon, and Jaxon is lucky to have her to grow up with.

As Darcy was playing with Jaxon's fingers, Amy came out of the toilets. As she got closer to us, I could see tears on her cheeks, which instantly got me worried.

"Darcy, can you hold your brother for a second?" I asked her as I placed Jaxon in her lap. "Don't drop him,"

"I won't," She replied before I ran over to Amy. Not caring if anyone saw us, I wrapped my arms around her.

If this was ruining the lie about Molly, then let the lie be ruined. If anything's bothering my wife, then I will comfort her, no matter what the consequenses are.

"Amy, tell me what happened," I said.

"It's Taylor's cancer.. They fear it's getting worse,"

this kinda sucked(i wrote in on my phone, so i didnt have spell check) but i hope you still like the book!

- sarah xx

Another Little Angel // niall horan *SEQUEL TO LITTLE ANGEL*Where stories live. Discover now