Chapter 19 | shortest chapter ever.. 330 words

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A M Y | next day

"Hey, Amy. Look what I brought," Niall said and held up the the little outfit I picked out for Jaxon when we went shopping. "I thought we could bring him home in this,"

"Sure, he'll look so cute in that," I replied and looked down on our son sleeping in my arms. "I'll get him dressed," I said and he handed me the clothes, along with a pair of white socks and the little beanie we bought for him.

"You know, Amy, I've been thinking about something," He said as I was getting Jaxon dressed.

"Which is?" I asked.

"I just hate being away from you guys, and I really want to be there to see Jaxon grow up, so I if you are up for it, I'll call Simon and do everything I can to make him let me bring you three with me for the rest of the tour," As the words escaped his mouth, my eyes widened. He wants to bring me, Darcy and our newborn son on tour for almost 6 months? 

"Niall, do you really think that's a good idea?" I asked. "Jaxon is just a day old, and now he's supposed to travel all over the world?"

"I promise to take care of him, Amy, and you will be there too! All four of us as a family!" He said. "Please come with me.. I don't want to miss out on such a big part of Jaxon's first year,"

"It's a hard decision to make," I replied. "What about Darcy? Does she want to go on the tour?"

"I asked her, and she does," He said. "Amy, I'm begging you.. I want to be there for our kids, so please come with me," 

"I.. Fine," I replied and watched as Niall's smile got bigger and bigger. "Just promise me you'll help me take care of our kids, and especially Jaxon since he's still so small and fragile," 

"I promise," He replied. "I'm gonna give him and Darcy the best six months of their lives," 



i know this is short, like really short, but it was supposed to.. i just wanted to write this really short because this is basically amy just agreeing to come on tour with niall and the kids :)

i only wanted them to go on tour with niall because im not good at writing long distance relationship haha 

- sarah xx

Another Little Angel // niall horan *SEQUEL TO LITTLE ANGEL*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن