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Well. For starters happy aromantic awareness week 🥳💚💚💚

I hate to complain and rant during this week I was hoping to write a positive aromantic poem or story for this week (haven't even started it yet...oops) but I gotta complain and rant.

It's so stupid because I'm not even sure if this as anything to do with being aromantic.

So I saw this video of Fionna and Cake, a spin off of adventure time, and so like that realm of things ya. And it was an audio of Fionna saying she has a lot of guy friends but no boyfriend because she doesn't really wanna date any of them. She says she knows who she is and doesn't need to wait around to feel noticed. And that she'll know what she wants if and when it comes around.

Sweet, right? I love it and it's not even directly aro but as an aro I feel like I can relate to it in a way.

And some of the comments were really amazing like one person said I love how this shows a main protagonist doesn't need a love interest to be complete and everyone should go at their own pace.

YESS. like yes. To my depth of my core yes. Like I think I've said on here before I want books and shows to show a main character who is complete without a love interest.

But of course some one is gotta complain and be like "why even write this? Is this what Cartoon Network has come to? Such a disgrace to adventure time"

Like what do you mean "this is what Cartoon Network has come to" it's not even blatantly lgbtqia it's literally Fionna saying I'm not gonna feel pressured to date and I'll go at my own pace and when I'm ready.

Like no matter if you're straight bi gay ace or aro everyone should go at their own pace. Like I'm not even mad I guess I'm just confused. Like genuinely why would this person have a problem with it?

No because why did I read more comments. to be fair, I was reading the replies to a positive comment which said "normalize this other relationships are just as important (family and platonic)" and someone replied with just "no"

Like shut up it's pretty much all subjective. Like what's important to you is important to you. I don't think anyone's saying normalize people favoring platonic over romance but what we're saying is it's normal and okay if that's how someone feels. Everyone doesn't need to feel that way.

So yeah. I'm just gonna be done reading the comments and forget about all this because it's aromatic awareness week so we don't need the negativity

So yea. That's all I have to say about that. Thanks for listening and I hope you all have been having a fantastic aro awarness week 💚🫶🏻
Wishing you the best, take care 💚💜

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