"I'd say that's not possible, but I also have an inhumanly hansom dude holding me so I guess in the elfin world anything's possible" she says with a shrug. We all go silent and look at her in different ways. 

Sophie looks at her with a glare, while I look at her with amusement. Ro looks at her with a funny scrunched face as if she's holding back laughter. Keefe just looks confused and a tad bit disgusted. 

"Shit, did I say that out loud" she squeaks into the awkward silence, I wish she would have sang instead. I let out a light chuckle and nod as her face turns red and her eyes get big. She shover her face into my chest. "Kill me" she groans quietly so only I can hear. I burst out laughing. 

She lifts her head to look at me. When she see's my laugher a small smile penetrates her red and chapped face. 

"Come on, let's get you inside before that pretty porcelain face of yours falls apart cause of this cold" Ro says and smash's the bottle to open a vortex. 

"I CALL FIRST! I CALL FIRST! I CALL DIBS!" Minnesota screams as she hops out of my arms. "We are jumping, yes?" she asks. I rub my ears from her practically yelling in them. 

"Yes" Sophie says skeptically. She gives Keefe a weird look. "If you want to go first, move out of the way as soon as you get on the pad" she says. 

Minnesota rubs her palms together like a mock evil villain. She grabs her shoes and socks from my arms and shoves them on her feet, not bothering with the socks. They are currently stashed in her shoes. 

She sprints, and almost slips a few times, before jumping into the vortex with a delighted squeal. I laugh as I see her form flying through the air. She looks so happy. 

"Hunky Hair, I love your sister more than you" Ro says after a minute of us standing there. He gives her an eye roll. 

"Yeah I know, I do to" he tells her with a real, real, smile. Not a smirk, not a mocking smile. A real, honest, true smile. 

I guess she just does that to people. Brings out the best in them. 

She brings out a kind and caring side of Ro, one we've never seen. The soft smile's she's been giving Minnesota are so terribly cute. 

She brings out the real side of Keefe who'd only ever shown it to Sophie, and still limited. His eyes soften around Minnesota, more than they ever have around anyone.

She brings out a carefree, quiet, content version of me. One where I don't feel like ending my life. One where I can see the happiness of this life. One where I can act like a kid, cause no matter what is happening, I still as am one. One where I can see a world full of beauty and peace. Where I don't have to feel stressed, hateful, or sad. 

I walk over to the vortex and jump. I slip through the wet air as I feel droplets of water sling against my skin. Finally I land on the sponge and roll off. 

I look around and see Minnesota sitting on a sand bank with her back to me. I walk closer to her and I hear her humming. I walk closer but stop when I make sure I can hear her but she won't notice me. A second later she opens her mouth and a soft tune pours out in beautiful waves. 

"There are many things that every person hopes for 

In the never ending want for happiness

Everybody needs a little motivation while they work

To carve their own path 

Maybe it's a summer cottage by the sea side 

Or a bag of money in the bank for years to come 

I could never blame a dreamer for their dreams 

Oh but for me there's only one 

You are the wish 

That I imagine when I blow out my candles 

On my birthday cake

You are the wish 

I say a prayer for when I look out the window 

And see the Northern Start 

There's no greater love 

No greater gift than you as my wish" she's interrupted when Keefe calls her name from behind me. I didn't notice he came down, I turn and see them all. 

"Eh, how long were you guys there?" she asks with an embarrassed chuckle. She has yet to turn and face us. 

"Fitzy boy over here heard the whole song I believe. But we only heard the last line before block head over here decided to interrupt you" Ro says as she bonks Keefe on the back of the head. 

"Hey! Watch the hair!" he exclaims as he checks the back of his head with his hands. Minnesota giggles as she stands up and watches this. "Come on lets go" he says grumpily. 

"I wonder if it'll be like Diagon Alley" she mumbles as we start walking. 

I really need to look into more human stuff. 

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