"Yeah well..."

"And we've never had a
quickie, kook." Joon's voice
cut through our conversation
and I jumped to attention.

"Come in here and let's get
some business done so you can get back to your guests before
all the other guests arrive."

He reached past me and
pulled his mate in for a deep soulful kiss.

Those bastards were killing

I stalked into the office and dropped into one of the chairs
in front of Joon's desk.

A couple of long minutes later,
he entered and closed the
door behind him.

He wore a smile I'd never
seen before he met Jin.

Let's go to our mate and then we'll be grinning too.

A wolfy grin was about as charming as anything but it wasn't happening.

"About done, alpha?" I sniped then regretted it even
before he glared at me.

"I'd say someone needs to
find his own omega before
he gets any more attitude."

"That's not going to happen."

We already did.

Let's to see him.

And the boy.

I really like the boy.

"I was saying that same thing and right in this office not too long ago, if you'll recall." He softened his tone.

"Now, we have things to
cover and not much time to
do it in."

"First, did you get the human and the cub settled at your place."

"I did but they can't stay
there after tonight."

"I'll move them to the beta house."

He frowned.

"You have plenty of room
there, why don't you want them?"

"Well I just, I'm busy and..."

"And nothing."

"Your home is a private house where they won't be in danger
of overhearing every bit of
pack business that goes on."

"Especially with this year's
high-stakes guests arriving
very shortly for the Omega
Moon ceremony."

"They won't even know we
have a human here and I'd
like to keep it that way at
least for the present."

"Of course, anything you
say alpha but..."

"And since the cub responded
to you so well in his first
shift, you'll of course be in charge of his training."

I found myself in the waiting area before I could decide whether to explain more
about why I didn't want
that human under my roof.

My wolf was confused.

Not confused. Mate.

He's not our mate.

He's a human.


Since this could have gone on
all night, I shut up about it.

Wolves were never ones to
back down.

Especially on this topic.

The good news was that with
so many others arriving
maybe Joon was right and my mate would be oncoming.

"They're here."

One of the betas was
rushing down the hall.

"I hope everything is ready."

"Where are the servers?"

"Did we get ice?"

He disappeared in the
direction of the kitchen,
still ticking off things he wondered about getting done
and I straightened my shoulders and strode for the front door.

I'd had responsibilities of
course but my part of the planning was done and now
my job was essentially to
be at the alpha's side and
represent him in the best possible light.

"Ready, beta?" Joon had
arrived at the door while I
was lost in thought.

Something I could not afford
to be with so many outsiders
on our lands tonight.

"Yes, sir." I opened the door
and stepped out first.

The alpha should never be exposed before someone made sure it was safe, no matter that we had security everywhere.

It was ceremonial.

The guests were arriving and
we came down the steps of the porch to greet them, shaking hands and making small talk.

Joon led the way around to where the ceremony would
take place and I held back a
few steps, scanning the crowd.

See our mate here, wolf?

Now's the time.

We already have a mate.

And a son.

You're just not going to let up.

I caught up with Joon,
dismissing the idea I'd find
my other half here.

Until we got that human and
the cub out of my house, my horny wolf wasn't going to
give up on him.

Looked like it would be
another year and another
Omega Moon ceremony before
I could look for my mate.

Jimin is mate.

"Welcome, thanks for coming."

Back to glad-handing and
making small talk.

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