20: Monthly pain

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The first day was long for both Kaveh and Alhaitham. Alhaitham was happy to reunite with his family, but at the same time, pretending Kaveh was just a friend was difficult. He wished he could tell his family that Kaveh was his boyfriend, but he knew it could risk his family hating him. After all, Alhaitham didn't want to ruin his relationship with any family member, especially not his mom.

The couple was finally happy once it was time for bed. Alhaitham locked the bedroom door in case his grandma or mom would walk in and catch them cuddling or worse, kissing.

„ So, any ideas of what we're doing tomorrow?", Kaveh asked as he was getting into his Pyjamas.
„ I think just the two of us should do something tomorrow.", Alhaitham said, „ Do you like Chinese food? I wanted to bring you to my favorite childhood restaurant."
„ I love Chinese food.", Kaveh said grinning. Alhaitham smiled.

Once Alhaitham and Kaveh were both in their pajamas, they got into bed. Alhaitham wrapped his arms around Kaveh and pulled him closer towards him. Kaveh rested his head in the crook of Alhaitham's neck.
„ Good night.", Alhaitham said as he kissed Kaveh's forhead.

Kaveh turned red.
„ Night night Hayi.", he said, making Alhaitham blush at the nickname.

The next morning, Alhaitham and Kaveh woke up to the sound of someone trying to open the bedroom door. Alhaitham almost fell out of bed since the noise caught him off guard.
„ Mom? Is that you?", Alhaitham said as he yawned.
„ Good morning son. Why on earth is your door locked? It's not like I'm gonna watch you sleep!", Alhaitham's mom laughed. Alhaitham awkwardly chuckled, knowing that the reason the door was locked was that he didn't want his family knowing that he wasn't straight.

„ Uhm...Kaveh farts in his sleep. The smell is gross. That's why I locked the door.", Alhaitham quickly lied, regretting his answer immediately.

His mom awkwardly giggled.
„ Breakfast is ready in 10 minutes.", she said as she left.

Kaveh immediatly hit Alhaitham in his stomach.
„ Hey!", Alhaitham angrily yelled.
„ I do not fart. If anything, you're the terrible farter.", Kaveh yelled, „ Trust me, sometimes when I'm awake in the night, you fart so loudly and it's gross."

Alhaitham simply laughed.
„ Sorry Kaveh. I just was scared my mom would find out about us.", he said. Kaveh smiled and rubbed his boyfriend's head.

10 minutes later, Kaveh and Alhaitham walked downstairs for breakfast. Alhaitham's mom and grandmother were already at the breakfast table.
„ Good morning boys. Did you sleep well?", Alhaitham's mom said.
„ Very well, thank you. How about you?", Kaveh asked.
„ Great thanks.", Alhaitham's mom said smiling.

„ So boys, did you have any nice dreams last night? Did you dream of any pretty girls?", Alhaitham's grandma said.
Alhaitham and Kaveh looked at each other, wanting to laugh.

„ No, we didn't.", Alhaitham simply replied, trying not to laugh.

„ So, do you boys have any plans today?", Alhaitham's mom said.

„ Alhaitham's bringing me to his favorite childhood restaurant.", Kaveh said.

Alhaitham's mom smiled.
„ That's lovely. The menu is still the same, just like when you were a kid, Alhaitham.", Alhaitham's mom said.
Alhaitham was happy.

After breakfast, Alhaitham and Kaveh got dressed into comfortable clothes.
They then left the house, heading off for the day.

Once they were far enough from the house, they could finally hold hands.
„ Finally, we don't have to be best bro homie brother friends.", Kaveh laughed. Alhaitham laughed too.
„ I just hope we don't get asked if we have girlfriends anymore. I'm getting tired of that question.", Alhaitham laughed.

Before lunch, Alhaitham and Kaveh went to their local arcade. They both visited that arcade when they were kids, obviously not together, as they weren't friends back then.

„ I remember when I was a kid, my nanny treated me here because I did well in school. But as I entered the arcade, I saw you, and instantly begged my nanny to go home.", Kaveh laughed, „ Little me would have never guessed I would be going on a date here with you."
„ How the times have changed. I can't believe how much we hated each other.", Alhaitham giggled.

At noon, Alhaitham brought Kaveh to the restaurant. Kaveh had never been, so he was excited to go there.
They both shared a bowl of Alhaitham's favorite noodles, which Kaveh ended up really enjoying.

„ Wow Alhaitham, you were so right bringing me here. From now on, every time I visit your family, we need to come here.", Kaveh said. Alhaitham smiled.
„ I used to come here every week when I was a kid. And I always had the same bowl of noodles. I never wanted something else off the menu.", Alhaitham laughed.

Kaveh smiled at his boyfriend.
„ Anyway, I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll see ya in 5 mins.", Kaveh said.

He made his way to the bathroom. He locked himself up in a stall, then pulled down his pants.
His eyes opened widely.

He stared at a red stain in his pants.
„ Oh fuck. Why did my period have to come now?!", he thought to himself. He started to cry.

Kaveh took out his phone. He texted his boyfriend

Hayi, this sounds super weird but I have my period :(
I'm trans and sadly still get my periods, even though I'm on testosterone and it sucks
But worst of all, how is your family gonna react? They will know something is off as "men don't get periods"
And I didn't even bring any pads as my period came one week early

A few seconds later, Alhaitham texted his boyfriend

Stay calm Kaveh.
It's gonna be ok. I will bring you home, then get you pads.
There is a supermarket very close to my house.
Meet me at the entrance of the restaurant, ok?

Kaveh left the restaurant. It was obvious that he had been crying.
„ Don't be sad, Kaveh. We can handle this.", Alhaitham said. Kaveh didn't answer, he just held his boyfriend's hand and hugged him.

Alhaitham brought Kaveh back home. He then left to a supermarket close to his house.
He bought everything Kaveh would need: Two packs of pads, Haribo sweets, and 3 bars of chocolate.

Alhaitham returned 15 minutes later.
„ Here, I got you snacks and pads. I bought you a few snacks since I don't know what snacks you like.", Alhaitham said.

Kaveh teared up.
„ You're the best Hayi. What did I do to deserve you?", he cried, „ Thank you so much!"

He hugged his boyfriend tightly.
„ Alright, I'm gonna change into pads.", Kaveh said as he was about to walk into the bathroom in his shared bedroom with his boyfriend.
„ Don't use that bathroom. I just took a shit.", Alhaitham said.

Kaveh stared at Alhaitham, then hit him with a pillow.
„ That's disgusting!", Kaveh yelled.

Alhaitham simply laughed.
„ There's a bathroom near the kitchen. That one should be free.", Alhaitham said.

Kaveh walked downstairs to the bathroom. He pulled down his pants and placed the pads in his underwear.
Susdenly, the door opened.

Kaveh's eyes opened widely.

Alhaitham's grandmother was staring at him, looking shocked.

„ Oh my! I'm so sorry. I should have told you that I was using the bathroom.", Kaveh aplogized.

„ So you are Alhaitham's girlfriend.", Alhaitham's grandma said.

Kaveh started feeling uncomfortable.
„ Huh? What do you mean?", he asked

„ Why would he lie about you being a boy? Boys don't get periods, so of course you are a girl.", Alhaitham's grandmother said.

Kaveh felt like crying.
He felt dysphoric.

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