14: Confession

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„ Thanks again, Layla.", Kaveh said smiling, „ Next time you'll see me, I'll have a boyfriend and I'll be in a real relationship."
„ I love your confidence.", Layla happily said, „ Best of luck, ok?"

Kaveh smiled.
„ Thanks Layla. Bye!", Kaveh said as he waved at Layla as he walked off.

Kaveh felt nervous and excited at the same time. He was going to give Alhaitham romantic gifts and confess his feelings to him.
What if Alhaitham wasn't ready for a relationship?

But Kaveh knew he had to eventually tell Alhaitham how he felt.

As Kaveh arrived at his flat, he took a deep breath.
„ This is it.", he thought to himself.

Kaveh opened the door.
„ Hey Alhaitham.", Kaveh nervously said, „ I have to tell you something really important."

No answer.
„ Alhaitham? I'm not joking.", Kaveh said.

Still no answer.

Kaveh looked for Alhaitham, but he was no where to be seen. He looked in their bedroom, the kitchen, the bathroom.

„ That's weird. He told me he would go straight home.", Kaveh thoight to himself.

He took out his phone and texted him.

Alhaitham, are you home?
There's smth important I need to tell you, so pls come home soon!

Kaveh nervously waited to get a message reply back from Alhaitham, but he got no answer after waiting for 10 minutes.
Kaveh decided to phone Alhaitham.

He heard a phone ring.
Kaveh was relieved. He found Alhaitham's phone lying on the couch.

But it then hit him that Alhaitham left the flat without his phone.

Which meant Kaveh couldn't track down his location.

Kaveh started to freak out.

He was getting more and more nervous.
He had Tighnari's phone number saved, so he knew he had to phone him,

Tighnari immediately picked up.
„ If you're here to call me Mr Furry-!", Tighnari growled.

„ Tighnari! Is Alhaitham with you?", Kaveh yelled.
His hands were shaking, since he was really starting to freak out.

Tighnari was confused.
„ No, shouldn't he be with you?", Tighnari asked.

Kaveh was terrified.
What if something bad had happened to Alhaitham?
He started to break into tears.

„ Kaveh? Are you ok?", Tighnari gasped who knew Kaveh was worried.
„ No. Alhaitham is gone.", he cried, „ I was about to confess to him. And when I arrive home, he's gone. His phone is here, but he isn't. It's like he's ran away or something."

Tighnari realized that moment why Alhaitham wasn't in his flat.
„ Oh no. I think I know why he left.", Tighnari said.
„ Why?", Kaveh asked as he wiped his tears away, trying to calm down.

„ His mood was off today because of that Layla girl. He thoight you liked her.", Tighnari explained.
„ Oh my gosh. That makes sense, since he wasn't happy that I was spending time with Layla instead of him.", Kaveh said, „ I need to find him as soon as possible. He needs to know that Layla isn't the one I like."

That moment, the front door opened.
Alhaitham walked in.

„ Nari, he's here.", Kaveh said, „ Thanks for the help by the way."
Kaveh hung up and threw his phone on the couch as he ran over to Alhaitham.

Alhaitham looked quite upset. He looked like he had been crying.

Kaveh took a deep breath.
„ Oh my gosh, Alhaitham! You have no idea how worried I was about you.", Kaveh yelled, „ Don't you EVER do that to me again."

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