10: Party

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At around 9PM, Kaveh and Alhaitham arrived at the hotel where the party was being thrown at. As they arrived inside the building, the place was packed with people.
„ Wow. Cyno and Tighnari weren't lying about there being so many people here.", Alhaitham thought to himself.
„ So, should we go find Mr Furry and Mr Wannabe Comedian?", Kaveh asked.
„ Sure.", Alhaitham said. Kaveh took Alhaitham's hand as they started to find their friends. Alhaitham turned red. He never wanted to admit it, but he secretly liked it when Kaveh held his hand.

„ Hey you two! Over here.", a voice called. Cyno was standing with Tighnari next to a table with drinks.
Kaveh and Alhaitham approached them.
„ Hey guys. How long have you been here?", Kaveh asked.
„ For half an hour. And you guys?", Cyno asked.
„ Just got here now.", Alhaitham said.
„ We're gonna dance now. Wanna come with us?", Tighnari asked.
„ We're good for now. We probably will chat a bit and maybe join you guys later.", Kaveh said. Cyno and Tighnari smiled as they left.
As both of them left, Kaveh opened his mouth.
„ I hope that's ok if we join them later.", he said, „ Parties are a new experience for you, and I anyway wanted to talk with you a bit."

Alhaitham smiled.
„ Thank you.", he thanked.
„ So, what do you think of this party?", Kaveh asked.
„ I like it. I like the atmosphere. Everyone seems to be happy.", Alhaitham said, „ And you?"
„ Honestly, I don't really care that much about parties.", Kaveh said, „ I just wanted to be here with you."

Alhaitham turned bright red.
„ Haha very funny. Let's have a drink.", Alhaitham growled as he got flustered. Kaveh laughed.

A few hours had passed. Kaveh and Alhaitham had chatted and drank all evening. They were a bit tipsy, but not drunk.
„ So, wanna dance?", Kaveh asked.
„ With you?", Alhaitham asked as he turned red.
„ Well, yeah. We are in a "relationship" so we have to act like a couple.", Kaveh said, „ Don't worry, I won't kiss you."
„ Sure.", Alhaitham said.

Both of them walked to the center of the room. Kaveh put his hands around Alhaitham's waist. Alhaitham turned red.
„ Aw, you're blushing. I'm starting to think you're falling for me.", Kaveh laughed.
„ It's not that.", Alhaitham growled, „ It's just...I've never danced with anyone before."
„ Don't worry, nobody will care if we can dance good or not. Just put your hands on my shoulders and dance how you want to.", Kaveh said.

Alhaitham placed his hands on Kaveh's shoulders while Kaveh held Alhaitham's waist. They danced slowly, looking into each other's eyes and smiling.

Alhaitham couldn't help but appreciate Kaveh's beauty. His eyes were sparkling. His blonde hair looked so pretty. Alhaitham's cheeks turned bright red.
„ Hey Kaveh.", Alhaitham said.
„ Hm?", Kaveh replied.
„ Thank you for bringing me tonight.", Alhaitham said as he wrapped his arms around Kaveh.

Kaveh turned red and hugged Alhaitham back.
„ You know, this isn't a very heterosexual thing for you to do.", he laughed.
„ Shut up.", Alhaitham growled. Kaveh laughed.
„ But yeah, thank you too.", Kaveh thanked.

An hour had passed. Kaveh and Alhaitham stopped dancing.
„ I just have to use the bathroom.", Kaveh said, „ I'll see you in a bit."
Alhaitham smiled.

Kaveh went upstairs to use the bathrooms. He was about to enter the bathrooms, when he heard a voice.
„ Shouldn't you be using the girls bathrooms?", a voice said.

Kaveh recognized that voice. He turned around and was right.
His ex girlfriend, Jasmine.

„ What do you want, Jasmine? If you're here to be transphobic, please leave.", Kaveh growled.
„ You are a liar, Kaveh.", Jasmine said, „ I heard you and Alheiton speaking."
„ Firstly, his name is Alhaitham.", Kaveh growled, „ Secondly, I'm not a liar. Now please do something better with your life and leave me alone."

„ You are in a fake relationship with Alhaitham.", Jasmine said.

Kaveh was shocked. How did she know that?
„ What do you mean?", Kaveh asked.
„ I overheard you speak about it tonight.", she said, „ It's horrible do you to do that. You just are dating him for me to leave you alone."
„ Alhaitham agreed to this. I didn't force him.", Kaveh explained, „ You wouldn't understand that I didn't want to be around you. You're just a transphobic piece of shit who doesn't understand that I don't want anything to do with you."

„ Come on. You know yoy want me back.", Jasmine said smiling.
„ He said no.", a voice growled.

Alhaitham was standing there, looking furious.
„ Alhaitham. Be honest. He forced you to fake date him.", Jasmine said.
„ Jasmine, let me tell you something.", Alhaitham said, „ Kaveh didn't force me. We are in this fake relationship for a good reason- to get you away from Kaveh. You obviously don't understand his boundaries. He wants NOTHING to do with you. And if you really loved him, you would see him as a real man. You're a transphobic bitch and if you EVER go near Kaveh again, you don't wanna know what will happen. Got it?!"

Jasmine rolled her eyes as she stormed off, saying nothing.

Kaveh teared up as he hugged Alhaitham.
„ Thank you Alhaitham. I thought she would never leave.", Kaveh said.
„ You're welcome.", Alhaitham said as he hugged him back.

Without thinking, Alhaitham kissed Kaveh on the cheek.

Both of them turned bright red. Alhaitham had no idea why he kissed Kaveh's cheek- he was a bit tipsy from drinking alcohol.

Without saying anything, Alhaitham ran off as fast as he could, leaving Kaveh stand there in shock.
„ There's no way he is straight.", Kaveh thought to himself as he awkwardly went to use the bathroom.

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