04: Confession

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Shortly after, Alhaitham and Cyno sat down with their food. Both boys and Tighnari started eating their food.

Alhaitham saw Dehya sitting with three other girls. He blushed as he saw her. She was beautiful.

After a while of looking around, Alhaitham spotted the table where Kaveh was. He was eating with a few boys. Alhaitham had no idea if those boys shared the same lessons as he did.

Kaveh and his friend group were being noisy and annoying.
„ That asshole hasn't changed at all!", Alhaitham thought to himself.

After a while, Alhaitham noticed a girl walk up to to Kaveh. Her hair was long and black. Her skin was tanned, and she was wearing a white half top and a short white mini skirt. She was very pretty.

She went over to Kaveh and sat down on his lap.
„ Kaveh has a girlfriend?", Alhaitham gasped. Cyno and Tighnari stared over at Kaveh's table.
„ Why do you care? Don't you hate him?", Tighanri asked.
„ I do hate him!", Alhaitham said.

Cyno smirked.
„ You wish that girl was you, huh?", he said smirking.

Alhaitham burst out laughing.
„ First of all, I'm straight. Second of all, I hate Kaveh!", he laughed.

Cyno and Tighnari laughed too, and continued to eat their food.

A few hours had passed. Alhaitham returned to his dorm. He was expecting to see Kaveh already there, being annoying as always.
But in surprise, Kaveh wasn't home.

„ Good! That gives me some time to myself!", Alhaitham thought to himself as he lay on the couch, turned on the TV and started playing some video games.

A few hours had passed. It was around 8PM. Alhaitham was cooking his dinner. Kaveh still hadn't returned, which somehow had confused him.

He was happy that Kaveh wasn't there. After all, he hated him.
But at the same time, he was concerned.

„ Whatever! I hate him anyway. Why am I thinking about him?", Alhaitham thought to himself.

That moment, the door opened.

Kaveh walked in.

His facial expression looked sad and angry at the same time.
He looked like he was going to lose his temper.

„ Hey...what's up with you?", Alhaitham wanted to know.

Kaveh didn't answer. Instead, he barged into the living room and sat down the couch, with his arms crossed. He didn't say a word, or move one bit.

Alhaitham continued to cook. He knew that Kaveh didn't want to speak. He had no idea what was up with Kaveh- and he didn't want to get involved either.

After around 5 minutes of awkward silence, Kaveh took a deep breath.
„ I'm sorry for acting like this!", he said, „ I'm just pissed off with a person who goes to our college!"

Alhaitham was confused. Was this person one of his friends?
Or was it the girl who sat on his lap during lunch time?

„ Oh. I see!", Alhaitham responded. He didn't want to comfort Kaveh, since he hated him. He knew he couldn't act friendly with him, or else Kaveh would get the wrong impression.

„ You see...I have an ex girlfriend from high school. Her name is Jasmine!", Kaveh said.

Alhaitham knew that this was the girl who sat on his lap. He was certain that she was not his ex- but instead was his girlfriend.

„ We dated a year after I started going to high school, and broke up just before graduation. She cheated on me, so obviously, I dumped her. But since I dumped her, she hasn't been leaving me alone!", Kaveh explained, „ She's said really horrible things to me, and doesn't respect that I want nothing to do with her. She always acts as if I cheated on her!"

Enemy [Kaveh x Al Haitham]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon