16: Architecture

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„ Dinner is ready.", Kaveh called.

Alhaitham couldn't focus.
He nervously walked to the dinner table and sat down.

Kaveh served him a bowl of ramen noodles.
„ I hope you like ramen noddles. I think you told me you like them. If not, I can make something else-!", Kaveh said.

He stopped speaking as soon as he noticed Alhaitham's state.
He looked terrified.

„ Are you ok?", Kaveh gasped.

„ I've kinda fucked up.", Alhaitham nervously said.

„ Oh my gosh. I hope I didn't do anything.", Kaveh gasped, „ Please don't break up with me. I will change anything you don't like about me. I promise."

Alhaitham chuckled slightly.
„ Kaveh, we just got together yesterday. I don't want to break up with you!", he laughed, „ It's about my mother."

Kaveh sat opposite Alhaitham and reached out for his hand.
He held his hand tightly.

„ What about your mother?", Kaveh asked.

„ You know how the semester is ending in 2 weeks?", Alhaitham asked, „ My mom wanted me to spend time at home for two weeks. But I told her I didn't want to spend two weeks at home since I started dating someone. But she insisted that I would bring you home and we both would spend the two weeks there."

Kaveh smiled.
„ I don't see the problem there. I would like to meet your mother.", Kaveh said, „ We are dating now after all."

„ You're right. It wouldn't usually be a problem.", Alhaitham said, „ She has no idea I'm not straight and she thinks I'm dating a girl. And the problem is, she lives with my grandmother and my grandmother doesn't exactly have the best views on the LGBTQ+ community. I don't know what my mother's views are like, since we never talked about such topics. But I'm just scared."

Kaveh got up and hugged his boyfriend tightly.
„ You could lie to your mother and say that your "girlfriend" is spending time with her parents. And you could maybe ask her if I could come along...but just lie and tell her I'm your best friend.", Kaveh said. Alhaitham smiled.
„ I think that's what I should do.", Alhaitham said, „ Oh Kaveh, you're the best."

He leaned in and kissed Kaveh's lips.
„ Now let's eat our dinner before it gets cold.", Alhaitham said. Kaveh smiled.

After dinner, Alhaitham had a shower before heading to bed. As he was finished with his shower, he headed into his shated bedroom and expected Kaveh to already be in bed.

But he was surprised as he saw the bed empty.
„ Kaveh, are you coming?", Alhaitham asked.
„ I'll be there in 20 minutes.", Kaveh said.

Alhaitham walked to the living room and saw Kaveh with three text books in front of him. He looked like he was studying, and he looked focused.
„ Are you studying?", Alhaitham asked. Kaveh looked up and smiled.
„ Yeah, I am. I'll be finished soon, I promise.", Kaveh said.

Alhaitham approached his boyfriend and looked at what he was studying, since Alhaitham had never seen those text books before. As he took a closer look, he noticed those books were about architecture.
„ Architecture?", Alhaitham asked.

Kaveh sighed.
„ I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but recently, I saw that I can reapply to get into that architecture course that I wanted to originally do, but didn't get into.", Kaveh explained, „ And since it's the end of the semester, there is a test in two weeks from now where I can redo the test, and maybe this time, I'll get in. They only take a limited amount of people, and it's a lot of pressure."

Alhaitham smiled
„ I really hope you get in.", he said, „ Promise to come to bed in 20 minutes though, ok?"
„ I promise.", Kaveh said. Alhaitham kissed his forehead and walked to their shared bedroom.

Over 20 minutes had passed. Kaveh still hadn't come back, so Alhaitham decided to get out of bed to check on Kaveh.
„ Kaveh, please come to bed.", he said, „ We can go home straight away after college lectures end and you can work, ok?"

Kaveh yawned as he got up.
„ I hope you're not mad at me for wanting to change course...it will mean we can't be together in class anymore.", Kaveh said.
„ Kaveh, remember to follow your dream career. I want you to be happy in what you choose.", Alhaitham said, „ Besides, we will be in the same college and still live together."

Kaveh smiled.
He got up and held Alhaitham's hand as both of them walked to their shared bedroom to fall asleep.

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