Chapter 32.

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Jungkook's heart was pounding in his chest as he drove to an abandoned building at the outskirts of the city. He kept looking back making sure he wasn't being followed. He wasn't. He parked the car next to Jimin's and walked out.

The latter was waiting for him, cigarette hanging between his lips. "I thought you changed your mind." Jimin said dryly, as if he expected him to tap out of the plan.

"I didn't." Jungkook sighed. "What now?"

Jimin shrugged and threw the cigarette butt on the ground before stubbing it with his foot. "Now you're gonna get yourself caught. I'll track you down with the tracker I've planted behind your ear. Here." He tossed him an earring. "Put this on. There's a microphone incorporated and I can hear everything."

"Ok." Jungkook took the earring and put it in. They stood in silence for a few seconds before Jungkook asked: "do you think he will take me back if I survive?"

"What kind of fucked up question is that?" Jimin raised his eyebrow. "Firstly, you will survive. Secondly, Yoongi is crazy about you. Thirdly, I promise I'll find you."

It did little to help with his anxiety. Jungkook was practically on his way to the slaughterhouse. His chances of survival were slim at best. He chose to believe in Jimin, hoping to keep his word.


Jimin threw the keys to the car he drove with. It was an unregistered car with fake plates. "Drive this. There's also a tracker on it, just as a precaution."

Jungkook nodded and took a few steps to leave, when Jimin called him again. "I hope you know that the training wasn't because you didn't know how to fight." He cleared his throat. "It was to remind you who you were. Go and be JK before you come back as Jungkook."

Jungkook's eyes widened as he turned around to face him. "You know?"

Jimin scoffed. "I'm surprised Yoongi doesn't. Anyway, go. I'll be watching."

It wasn't in the least comforting, but he already started the game, might as well play it the best of his abilities.

As Jungkook walked out from the building, his eyes darkened and his stance straightened, his sight focused ahead. He walked in as Jungkook, but walked out as JK.

He drove the car Jimin gave him to the house he lived in with Yuna. He was surprised to see the state of the house. The door was hard to open, Jungkook had to use his full force to push it back. He was instantly assaulted by the odor coming from the kitchen. Rotten food was laying on the table, half eaten. Dead cockroaches covered the floor, and he could swear he heard some movements from underneath the kitchen furniture.

With a shake of bis head, he went to his daughter's former bedroom. Half of the roof caved in, tumbling inside. He thanked the God for being able to move before his daughter's life was in danger. The debris was covering almost all the room, and some tree branches stabbed the bed mattress.

He then checked Yuna's room. It didn't show signs of being lived in. Her clothes were still there, some even spread on the bed, a layer of dust covering them.

He didn't get too worried about her; most likely she had already gone with some other man. If he had known how his life would turn out to be, he wouldn't have chased a relationship with her. It was too late for regrets. He couldn't take back what he already did. Regrets are always that. They make you look back and ponder over every decision that was made, thinking what could change if you'd have taken a different road. Maybe it could be better, but what if, it could have been worse? So Jungkook took the decision to consider the road he already took, as the best. He had HyeJin, even if it wasn't biologically his. And Yoongi. Sweet mafia gangster that acted like a golden retriever around him and his daughter. Life was good. Then Jeongguk happened.

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