Another stupid Notice

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Hi all my lovely readers

Yes I know it is a sin to leave you hanging as I have this author apologizes.

 My life is not where is should be ever since I relocated Jan 8 2024, my belongings have not arrived yet, my children have been sick looking for a school for my eldest was a nightmare...

Oh and I fell hard for and online gamer which is so wrong to many, I am after all a gamer first.

Tonight I found out a friend of mine has passed away and while that is heart breaking (I know it sounds harsh saying it this way but believe me I made myself not cry when I found out) my books will not be placed on hold any longer, thrown through time should continue on by end of next week at the lastest.

for those that know I am currently writing an original, Yeah I deleted that trash and began again with permission I will enter it into the Watty's for this year of course depending if I have the correct amount of words and if this year wattpad will take it, why permission? I have an editor and we want to publish the damn thing I want it sooner and my editor says to take my time lol.

To those that are new to my profile welcome, please feel free to speak to me, comment I will answer you want suggestions or just a friendly chat don't be shy.

regarding the part of my love life it is complicated, this is all you will hear about it.

So no I have not stopped writing just stalled a bit but I will continue as soon as possible.

I love you all be safe, loved and cared for.


Thrown Through TimeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang