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We see Izuku waking up as He see's Inko &Izumi Sleeping on the Sides of him and he smiles and Kisses ther forheads and they Yawn and wake up

Izuku: *Smiles* Morning beautifuls 

Izumi: Morning

Inko: You okay from the battle yesterday

Izuku: Yea Today Me,Dad,The Four Knights of the Apocalypse are supposed to have a meeting

Inko: Hey I wanted to ask you

Izuku: Yea

Inko: do you trust that Nero guy I mean he's Hisashi's Cousin

Izuku: Yea I trust him unlike Assashi I can see the Good in himbut *Smirks* who wants to shower with me

Inko/Izumi: ME

Izuku smirked as they all went to take a shower together and afterwards got Dressed and Headed to the Meeting room where Tristan and His Group was and Lancelot

Izuku: Yo *Does a FLip into his chair* 

Nero: Sick

Izuku: Thanks

Tristan: Father's Talking to percival and His Group 

Izuku: Cool 

Chion: can We really trust Him *Points to nero and Lucia*

Izuku: Yes 

Nero: hey I'm not a Piece of shit Like Hisashi Trust me 

Lancelot: do you know why he's Like it

Nero: Too Long of a Story 

Jade: We-

Just then Percival and his group came in with Meliodas

Izuku: Yo Percival

Percival: What's Up Izuku

Izuku and Percival Fist bumped as someone appeared 

All: Hey Thetis 

Thetis: hello

Donny: who is she 

Meliodas: This is Thetis Elizabeths Personal Magician but Lets Get down to business 

I'm skipping over this conversation I'm not retreading the Entire Manga sorry

After having their Objectives Explained and why they have to stop which is because Arthur is trying to KIll all the races besides humans and Taking Land from Britannia as we cut to the Group talking

Izuku: Okay we have our objectives 

Percival: and We'll get it all done and can't wait to go to the demon Realm

Izuku: Uncle Zeldris will be happy to see us 

Percival: Zeldris and his wife will be happy to see me 

IZuku: *Chuckles* Your basically their Son 

Percival: hahahaha Kinda 

Izumi: who's Zeldris

Izuku: He's Dad's Brother they actually were ounce enemy but their best buds now 

Tristan: Eh You can say that I haven't seen Them in a While 

IZuku: Neither have I but Lets get Pack up and Leave 

All: Hai

They all Packed their things and Left leaving for their mission





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