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August 21
Location: White Room


The muffled sound of the man bleeding on the ground was cut off as I kicked him with as much strength as I could muster. He spat out blood and passed out, I could've easily killed him right now if it wasn't for the fact that I wasn't allowed to. This one was a middleweight kickboxing world champion.

The first time I had a test like this was when I fought a group of gang members, ever since then I've fought multiple opponents much stronger than me or even people who outnumbered me by a lot but in neither of those tests was I allowed to take a life even though I was ordered to fight to kill. I had recognized that I was told so in order for me to fight without any reason to hold back.

I — Ayanakouji Kiyotaka — who was raised to become the perfect human and be capable of performing any skill set this world had to offer, wasn't allowed to do this one thing: Take a human's life.


Was it because doing so would traumatize me and affect my efficiency?

No. I wasn't capable enough to feel the slightest remorse for something as little as taking a human life.

Human life... what is the meaning of life? This is the 15th year and 198th day of my life inside these white walls — the walls inside of which you aren't allowed to show the slightest of weakness. I wonder if the meaning of life is being able to show weakness...

Well, there's no point thinking of that anyway. It's not like I'll get the chance to live a life fitting of a human anyway.

"That's enough." Said the inspector. "Get the man medical attention this instant. Kiyotaka, Ayanakouji-sensei has asked to see you this instant."

"I see."

I walked out of the room where my test was conducted started walking down the white hallway and eventually made my way outside that man's office. The man in question was also my biological father, although the connection we shared was far from that of a father and son.

Not like I would know what a father-and-son bond is supposed to be. Although I can make assumptions based on the thousands of novels I've read.

When walking down the hallway I was able to hear some muffled sounds, the source of the sound was quite difficult to make out but if I had to take a guess the sound was coming through the propellers and the direction was from the roof.

Since the facility is on an island built underground the propellers need to be really loud for the sound to force its way through the thick ground and concrete ceiling.

A helicopter, perhaps?

I stood outside his door and was about to knock when I heard sounds coming from the office, out of curiosity I started to listen in.

"It's a surprise... Sakayanagi Narumori, I never thought I'd see your face again after you backed off from the facility."

"It isn't weird for me to want to see you is it sensei?"

"Of course it is, it's been what — six, seven years now."

"It really has been a long time since I succeeded my father as school board chairman. Time surely flies, hasn't it? I had to back off from this facility too because of that reason and for the fact that this facility was taking a toll on me psychologically."

"Drop the excuses already. You and I both know that behind that smile of yours lies all the stuff you have done in your life you regret not being able to take back. Let's not act like you haven't supported a similar facility before, that adopted son of yours, wasn't he also part of an organization similar to this?"

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