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Thoughts on being hungry for success and staying hungry

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Thoughts on being hungry for success and staying hungry ...

Maybe you've been up late almost every night the last month finishing up the first volume of your teen dystopian trilogy on Wattpad. It is such a blazing epic and you can't wait to start writing the second book. Reads and comments are coming in, slowly, but people are reading it and liking it, people from all over the world. They tell you it's just as good as The Hunger Games and Divergent, and how it's just got to be published in hardcopy someday.

But you can hardly stay awake in class at school during the day, you're so beat. You know that you're barely maintaining the high grades you always were easily able to achieve. Your friends know better than to bother you about social events; you already let them know that you haven't got the time. And you left the hottest hunk on campus scratching his head in wonder why you refused a date with him, not just once, but twice.

Who's got time for dates with dreamy hunks? You are busy writing a dystopian epic that has the potential to become a classic. You have your own hunks in there, several of them, way hotter than Gale and Peeta and Finnick and Four, and you have them each doing exactly what you want. Who needs flesh and bone ones?

And you can feel the pain, deep down in the pit of you, all day long, every day, that ache that won't go away. The hunger pain of want and need to complete the project, get the books written, somehow get them noticed, published, turned into bestsellers, made into films ... and more more more!

That anxiety deep within you actually hurts. You hunger and you crave for the realization of this dream. You even learned to write in first-person present-tense point of view. Eew. So hard to get all those verb tenses correct! But you gotta use it. It's all the rage now. And you'd never even heard of it before The Hunger Games. But 65 million HG copies (along with 200 million of Fifty Shades) brought it back to the forefront from near obscurity. I think the last one to use it in a major novel before that was Charles Dickens. Or was that third-person present? Yuck!

Even though your numbers are steadily rising on Wattpad every day and you are being treated like a superstar writer by your very own world-wide fans, you can't quell the anxiety within you. You keep hoping something BIG is going to happen about your trilogy, even though the first book isn't even completed.

You keep waiting for a phone call, or a private message on Wattpad, an email or a letter from an excited agent or publisher ... even an angel of the Lord appearing on a little cloud with a big announcement would do! Heck, you'd settle for the Wicked Witch of the West dropping by with news. And invite her to stay for dinner.

All you can think of is - it happened to them, the authors of TheHunger Games and Divergent. Why isn't it happening to you?

Good question.

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