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PHOTO above - Toronto, Canada, now the 4th largest city in North America following Mexico City, New York City, and Los Angeles

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PHOTO above - Toronto, Canada, now the 4th largest city in North America following Mexico City, New York City, and Los Angeles.

Wattpad is the world's largest literary community. Its home offices are located in downtown Toronto, Canada, not far from the awesome skyscraper cluster of Canada's big banks (above on the right), one of the financial hotspots of North America and a center for progressive thinkers and high-tech entrepreneurs.

Varied reports claim that eighty to ninety percent of Wattpad's users connect by mobile devices, that up to, and maybe over, ninety million visitors use it monthly, and that over 100,000 story segments are uploaded daily, resulting in something like an amazing 665 million story uploads to date. About half its users are from the USA with others from Canada, the U.K., the Philippines, Australia, South Africa, India, and other nations from around the globe.

Yup, Wattpad is BIG.

We users criticize it lamely when it crashes, gets hacked, when it's too busy for us to log on, and when our chapters get all messed up from glitches. But, truth is, it's pretty amazing that with all the content and continual action it works as well as it does most of the time.

Amazon was challenging Wattpad a few years back in the teens with its site WriteOn that pretty much looked the same and worked the same. However, there was hardly anybody there compared to Wattpad. The site prided itself on being a resource of serious in-depth criticism among its users. Yes, you got a lot of criticism there but, in my opinion, most of it from people not qualified to give it, picky snarky criticism by fellow amateurs trying to be editors, which you seldom get on Wattpad. That kind of mean-spirited criticism can be seriously hazardous to new writers just beginning to find their way in the adventures of book writing. But WriteOn is gone now. It didn't last long. It didn't work. Amazon is currently in 2021-2023 testing out a new platform, similar, but one that writers can also get paid on - Kindle Vella. But so far, not much is happening. There are only a few successful books, the rest mostly wallowing with low reads that come mostly from the writers themselves who have banded together on FaceBook groups and are click-farming each others' books for reads. There are a lot of writers there but far less readers. And it, too, is not working.

Wattpad works.

There are also other sites similar to Wattpad that are doing well, but they are smaller. Some limit the number of writers who can join and require examples of your writing for them to check out before you can sign up. Anyone can write on Wattpad and become a success without first having to be approved, and some of its biggest success stories have been wannabe writers just like you.

Wattpad readers are generally interested mostly in story content and they won't bug you much about spelling, grammar, style, and other writing conventions. If you have a good story to tell, you can be a huge success on this site, regardless of your manuscript's state of, or lack of, perfection.

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