Chapter 4: Escape

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After the abrupt news of Max 'kidnapping' a major businessman's daughter, none of the family felt an appetite anymore; they had moved to the living room where his mom was pacing up and down the carpet, Cris was trying to text his dad to tell him and Abby sat on the armchair across from the couch where Max sat, where he stared blankly into his own mind trying to contemplate how on earth he could be accused of something like that.

"I just- how?" His mom said, sounding almost like she was pleading rather than asking. She was still in tears and it was clear that she was struggling immensely to keep herself together.

"Dad won't answer; this is fucking stupid!" Cris exclaimed in frustration.

"I don't care what's happening, you don't swear in this house!" His mom said, keeping it together enough to do what she needed to do as a mother.

"Well, if this article is official... then it's easy to assume that the police will be here soon." Abby stated, keeping herself calm easily; everyone in this room could learn from her right now.

"Oh no... what do I do!?" Max pleaded, snapping out of his whirlpool of a mind at the first mention of the police.

"I'll... I'll get you a lawyer, I know people. Whatever you do, you cannot say anything that could be misinterpreted. Actually, scratch that; don't speak at all. Listen, there's no proof that you did it... their case will fall apart." His mom explained, seeming to come to her senses midway through the sentence.

"He won't need to talk... if he runs away." Cris voiced his idea, causing every head in the room to snap over to him, as if they were a hive mind.

"WHAT!?" His mom and Abby loudly disclosed their shock of the idea, with Max being too overwhelmed to say anything.

"What? If they don't find any other suspects and she's found dead or something, he'll be blamed and he'll go to prison; no evidence that Max did it? Hamasaki will forge it. He's a snobby businessman, he'll do anything to 'avenge' his daughter, especially if it deals a blow to his biggest competitor. Speaking of, you'll be involved in the scandal too, mom. It'll ruin our lives, our futures. All Max needs to do is get on the train to another state and stay there until they find her; keeping in mind Hamasaki will do everything to find his daughter, I wouldn't be surprised if it takes a few weeks, tops. All we need to do is support him emotionally and financially through this; talk to him often, and give him money for shelter, and food. It's the safest thing he can do, even if it's wildly illegal." Cris explained, somehow confused as to why the other two were so against the idea.

"But- Cris..." Abby utters, trailing off as she contemplates the idea. "What if people come for him? He doesn't even have a power!"

This statement causes all the heads to turn back to Max, who had forgotten about his power worries, but now he had felt even worse. Even so, he wanted to prove his family wrong. Power or not, he wanted to show them that he could do this.

"No... I'll do it. I'll lay low." Max said, with a new found determination to do his family proud; despite this, he hoped, deep down, that his power would manifest to protect him in the world he was planning on venturing out into. Despite this he didn't show this side, and he seemed immovable in this choice; everyone in the room saw that.

"But- Max..." His mom uttered, seeming concerned that he would agree so abruptly. Max wasn't exactly strong, but he wasn't weak either... she seemed hesitant, but she knew there was no changing his mind; maybe it would help him grow as a person...? After a minute of contemplation, she nods her head. "Alright, but promise me one thing..." she takes off a bracelet from her hand and gives it to Max. It was a beautiful emerald coloured bracelet, with silver thread twisted through it. "Promise me you will keep this bracelet on at all times. Think of it as a little lucky charm." 

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