"He feels bad as it is, don't blame him anymore than he did on himself." Alex felt his tears coming down on his face as he listened to his mother. He sat up placing his elbow over his knees feeling the rushed in his heart grew. "I'm worried about Henry." He told her and she nods, "They will find the car and bring him back to us, I'm sure." She told him and he exhaled through his pursed lips.

Alex walked outside the porch finding his father holding on to his cigar that is half burnt and the glass of whiskey on his other hand. His eyes staring deep into the dark wondering how this day can turned out to be the other way he imagined. "Papi?" Alex called startling him from his thoughts and he smiled seeing him standing by the door. "Alex." He called patting the seat next to him and Alex obeyed.

"I know you love Henry like your own son and I don't blame you for prioritizing me." Alex starts and Oscar nods softly before inhaling the cigar in his hand. He blew the smoke into the air and the scent of his Cuban cigar brings back memories of Alex's childhood. "I shouldn't have say it anyway." Alex can hear his voice breaks before he lowered his burnt cigar over the glass ashtray on the table before them. "We are lucky to have each other, two living parents, perfectly healthy kids and all of us are together. I shouldn't be this selfish. Henry has suffered enough in his life having to deal with his father's death, his mother abandonment and his prick brother."

Alex can see his father's eyes glistened in tears as he stares into the dark backyard only lighted by the moonlight. "Henry is all alone in here and no matter what he will always feel like an outsider because we are. This isn't home for him and I just made him feel like a stranger that he always felt like he is. There is no excuse for my behavior mijo, and I'm so sorry." Alex stares into his father's eyes and saw the guilt is eating him from inside. He wrapped his arm around his father's neck and gave him a hug hoping it would lessen the burden but the only thing that would make him better is Henry telling him himself that he is not to be blame.

"They found the car." Zahra told them and two Secret Service came from behind her nodding at Ellen. "Madam President." Alex and Oscar joined them standing in the middle of the living room wondering why are these gentleman standing without Henry in sight. "Where is he then? Is he okay?" Shan asks and they both looked at each other before one of them spoke.

"There has been an accident." He starts and June grabbed Alex on his side, "We found the car crashed into a ditch but no driver. There's blood in the car and some signs of struggled." The guy saw the look on their faces dropped and concerned splashes all over their eyes. "How did you know he struggled?" June asks gripping Alex's hand in her, "The driver's window is smashed too pieces and the glass is all over inside the car before it crashed. The air bag didn't opened, and we found this." The guy handed Ellen, Henry's signet ring that he used to wear and Alex's heart dropped inside his stomach. He felt his throat tightened and he can't breathe after he heard what happened to Henry. "We believe that His Royal Highness is being kidnapped." The guy finished his sentences and Alex dropped on the couch grasping his chest struggling to breathe.

"We'll find him Alex. I promise you." Ellen told him as he broke into more tears clutching on his chest. Shan eyes covered in tears as he worried about Henry equally as anyone here in this room. "I have to inform them." Shan whispered and Zahra clutched on his elbow with her lips pressed. He pressed on the screen of his phone hoping that this news won't break Henry's family.

"Shan?" Princess Catherine's voice came so softly over the phone and he knows she hasn't slept yet. The insomniac runs in this family. "Your Highness." His voice breaks, "Shan what is it? Is Henry okay?" She asks and he can barely produced any voice considering what he is about to say. "Bishop has been taken." His voice lowered and he could hear Catherine gasped on the other side, "I'm coming there." She says before she ended the call and Shan exhaled a breath feeling the tightness in his chest grew. He leaned against Zahra before she pulls him in her hug and he can't hide it any longer, his tears broke after he let his guard down.

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