Start from the beginning

As he cautiously approached the bed, tissue in hand, Damian's heart raced with a mix of fear and determination. With a swift movement, he succeeded in trapping the roach in the tissue, but just as he was about to dispose of it, he heard the front door open and the sound of Asher's footsteps approaching.

Thinking quickly, Damian panicked and threw the tissue – roach and all – under Asher's pillow just as Asher walked into the bedroom, looking tired but relieved to be home. Damian's heart hammered in his chest as Asher moved towards him, a look of exhaustion and affection in his eyes.

Before Damian could explain, Asher reached out and grabbed him by the waist, pulling him towards the bed with a tired but loving smile. Without hesitation, Asher laid Damian down on his own pillow, the one that now housed the roach, and Damian's eyes widened in horror.

Asher settled above Damian, straddling him. He felt something tickle his neck. Horror flooded his veins as he realized the roach wasn't actually dead, but merely stunned. Panic gripped him as he leaped off the bed, scrambling towards Asher in a desperate bid for protection.

"Asher, it's not dead!" Damian exclaimed, his voice tinged with fear as he pushed Asher towards the tempting roach-infested pillow. "Kill it, Asher!"

Asher, still recovering from the shock and amusement of the situation, was caught off guard by Damian's sudden panic. He walked back towards the bed, his eyes focused as he caught sight of the barely moving roach.

Without hesitation, Damian pushed Asher closer to the pillow, the fear in his eyes urging Asher to take action. Asher's instincts kicked in as he reached for a tissue, ready to dispose of the still-living roach, but a sudden movement from the insect caught him off guard.

As Asher's hand hovered over the tissue, the roach sprang to life, scurrying out from under the pillow and darting towards them. Damian let out a strangled cry as he clung to Asher, using him as a shield in his desperate attempt to avoid the menacing insect.

In a flurry of movement, Asher swatted at the roach with a nearby file, successfully hitting it and sending it skittering across the floor. Damian let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding, relief flooding his senses as Asher stepped in front of him protectively, ensuring the roach was thoroughly dealt with this time.

As the roach met its final demise under Asher's foot, the tension in the room slowly dissipated, leaving a lingering sense of relief and gratitude between them. Damian pulled closer to Asher, squeezing him in a hug.

In this intimate moment, Asher's mouth found its way to Damian's neck, a gentle and tender gesture that sent a shiver down Damian's spine. The soft warmth of Asher's lips against his skin stirred something deep within Damian, a rush of emotions that he struggled to contain.

As Asher's lips trailed along Damian's neck, a surge of desire bloomed within Damian, a primal need for closeness and connection. His hands wandered instinctively, fingers tracing the contours of Asher's back, pulling him even closer, as if trying to merge their bodies into one.

The moment of intimacy and connection between Damian and Asher was abruptly interrupted by the sound of their son, Sebastian, crying from his bedroom. The suddenness of the noise jolted them back to reality, reminding them of their roles as parents and the responsibilities that came with it.

Asher, still holding Damian, glanced at him, acknowledging the need to tend to their child before resuming their intimate moment.

With a gentle kiss on Damian's cheek, Asher disentangled himself from their embrace, his movements slow and deliberate to avoid further distressing Sebastian. Damian, his heart swelling with love for his family, followed Asher's lead, offering a reassuring smile as they both made their way towards their son's bedroom.

Upon reaching the door, Asher gave Damian a quick peck on the lips, a silent promise that they would return to their earlier connection once Sebastian was taken care of. Damian nodded, his eyes filled with gratitude and love, as he watched Asher enter the bedroom to comfort their crying child.

Inside the room, Asher scooped Sebastian into his arms, gently rocking him back and forth while softly shushing him. Sebastian, sensing his father's presence and soothing touch, gradually calmed down, his cries subsiding into soft whimpers.

Damian, standing by the door, listened to the soothing sounds of Asher comforting their son, a warm feeling of love washing over him, for both 

As they sat on the couch, Asher, Damian, and Sebastian enjoying a quiet evening together, the atmosphere was filled with warmth and contentment. Sebastian was engrossed in a cartoon on TV, giggling and clapping at the funny antics on screen, while Asher and Damian shared a moment of reminiscence.

"Do you remember the first time we met, Asher?" Damian asked, a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

Asher chuckled, the memory clear in his mind. "Of course, how could I forget? You tried to pickpocket me."

Damian laughed, a hint of embarrassment coloring his cheeks. "I was really scared that you were going to turn me in to the authorities right then and there."

Asher reached over, picking up Damian and Sebastian who was in Damian's lap, and set them both in his own lap."

Damian's eyes sparkled with mischief as he recalled another significant moment. "And then, there was that time when you walked into the bakery where I was working. The first thing you said was, 'We Meet Again'."

Asher couldn't help but laugh at the memory. "It was quite the entrance."

Damian grinned mischievously, attempting to mimic Asher's deep voice. "We Meet Again," he said playfully, as he leaned in for another passionate kiss.




Let me know what you think about my first published story. Next up.. we have Aiden's story...😏

Thank you for reading "We Meet Again"! I really hope you enjoyed this with Asher and Damian. Stay tuned for more fun and heartwarming stories in the future!


Kaveh Xander

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