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The morning light bathed the room as Asher slowly woke up, his eyes adjusting to the gentle brightness. Feeling Damian's warm presence beside him, he couldn't help but smile. The events of the night replayed in his mind, and a sense of contentment settled over him.

Deciding it was time to wake Damian, Asher gently brushed his fingers through Damian's tousled hair. "Hey, time to rise and shine," he whispered, his voice carrying a hint of playfulness.

Damian stirred, slowly opening his eyes, and the moment their gazes met, a subtle warmth passed between them. The shared memories of the night before lingered, creating an unspoken connection.

As they sat up in bed, Asher noticed the faint marks on Damian's neck and shoulder, evidence of their passionate night. He smirked slightly, "Hope I didn't leave too many marks."

Damian, still a bit groggy, grinned in response. "Don't worry, I'm not complaining."

As they got out of bed, Asher suggested, "How about some breakfast? I can whip up something."

Damian nodded, appreciating the offer.

With a plate of breakfast in hand, Asher approached the bed, his lips curled into a satisfied smile. "Here you go, chef's special," he announced, presenting the meal to Damian, who was still in a half-asleep state.

Damian, eyes half-open, mumbled a thank you as he accepted the plate. His first bite, however, brought a sudden change to his expression. The taste was far from what he expected, and the initial grogginess vanished as he fully woke up.

Asher, observing Damian's reaction, raised an eyebrow. "What do you think?"

Damian hesitated for a moment, then managed a forced smile. "It's... unique. Did you use a secret ingredient?"

Asher chuckled, realizing his culinary skills might need some improvement. "Let's just say I'm still perfecting the recipe."

Despite the lingering soreness, Damian found himself contemplating the idea of cooking something special for Asher. A flicker of determination crossed his face as he attempted to get out of bed, only to be reminded of the toll last night's escapades had taken on his body. His back and legs protested, leaving him momentarily weakened.

Undeterred, Damian mustered a sly grin, realizing he needed some assistance. "Hey, Asher," he called, a playful lilt in his voice.

Asher turned his attention toward Damian, a quizzical look in his eyes.

"I've got a brilliant idea. How about you help me get to the kitchen? I've got something in mind for breakfast, and I could use a helping hand," Damian suggested, his playful demeanor masking the subtle vulnerability of his physical state.

Asher, seemingly amused by Damian's antics. "You got it. Lead the way, chef."

With Asher's help, Damian managed to stand up and make his way to the kitchen. Although his back and legs felt weak from the previous night, he was determined to cook something special for Asher.

In the kitchen, Damian prepared a surprise breakfast, using whatever ingredients he could find. Asher stood nearby, lending a helping hand and providing support. The smells wafting from the stove hinted at a delicious meal in the making.

As Damian moved around the kitchen, Asher stayed close, offering assistance when needed. The teamwork between them added a sense of companionship, extending beyond the events of the night before.

In the small kitchen, the sounds of cooking created a simple but pleasing melody. Damian's culinary skills were on display as he orchestrated the preparation, turning the ordinary ingredients into a delightful surprise for Asher.

We Meet Again [18+] | BxBWhere stories live. Discover now