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Damian settled into the comfort of his apartment, the soft glow of his laptop illuminating his face. With a quick glance at the clock, he decided it was the perfect time to catch up with Jace and Leo, his old roommates. He dialed their numbers, eagerly awaiting their response.

Jace's voice crackled through the phone, "Hey, Damian! What's up?"

Damian smiled, "Not much, just relaxing. How's the house hunt going?"

Jace sighed on the other end, "No luck so far. We've seen a few places, but nothing feels right."

Leo chimed in, "It's like the perfect place is hiding from us. Maybe we're cursed."

Damian chuckled, "You guys are not cursed. Finding the perfect place takes time. Maybe it's just around the corner waiting for you."

Leo laughed, "I hope you're right. We're getting desperate here."

Damian reassured them, "Don't worry. I'll help you search for a new place. We'll find something that suits you both."

Their conversation shifted to more casual banter, the three friends sharing updates about their lives and reminiscing about old times. After a hearty exchange, they bid each other goodnight, promising to continue the search for the ideal home on the morrow.

Feeling the restlessness of an early bedtime, Damian decided to break the monotony and embark on a spontaneous nocturnal adventure. The city lights twinkled outside his window, beckoning him to explore the quiet streets under the serene night sky.

Slipping into a comfortable jacket, Damian stepped out into the cool night air. The city was a different realm after dark, adorned with a hushed stillness that contrasted the lively chaos of daylight. As he strolled along the deserted sidewalks, the glow of street lamps cast elongated shadows on the pavement.

Damian's instincts, honed by a past life of thievery, kicked in as he scanned the dimly lit streets. The city, normally bustling with activity, had quieted down, leaving only the occasional distant sounds of passing cars. The shadows cast by the urban landscape became his allies as he moved with silent grace.

His eyes flickered across the darkened storefronts, searching for a target that would satisfy his old habits. The city at night, veiled in shadows, presented a canvas for his skills. A fleeting thought crossed his mind, a remnant of a life he had tried to leave behind.

As Damian approached the dimly lit section of the street, his eyes keenly adjusted to the shadows. A figure emerged from the darkness, gradually taking shape. The man's silhouette seemed strangely familiar, and a sense of recognition stirred within Damian. The lack of a streetlight overhead shrouded the encounter in obscurity, creating an opportune moment for a practiced pickpocket.

With practiced finesse, Damian maneuvered himself closer, his nimble fingers deftly reaching toward the man's pockets. The thrill of the familiar act coursed through him, awakening dormant instincts. His movements, a dance of precision and subtlety, sought the elusive prize hidden within the folds of the man's attire.

Yet, just as Damian's fingers brushed against the fabric, the man stopped abruptly, as if sensing an unseen presence. Their eyes locked in the dim light, and a realization flickered in Damian's mind. The familiarity was not born of a shared past but rather from the current moment — the man was none other than Asher.

Caught in the act, Damian withdrew his hand with an apologetic smirk, abandoning the thieving impulse that had momentarily gripped him. The unexpected encounter had transformed a routine walk into a chance meeting with the very person he least expected. As the two men faced each other in the dimly illuminated street, an unspoken acknowledgment of shared secrets lingered in the air.

We Meet Again [18+] | BxBWhere stories live. Discover now