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Damian, feeling a mixture of exhilaration and exhaustion, quickly found an empty storage room. He slipped inside and closed the door, trying to muffle his heavy breathing. The room was filled with old furniture and dusty boxes, creating a labyrinth of potential hiding spots.

As Damian caught his breath, his phone vibrated with an incoming call from Asher. With a mischievous grin, he answered, "You're persistent, I'll give you that."

Asher's voice, a playful undertone evident, responded, "Can't let a worthy prey slip away, can I? Now, where are you hiding?"

Damian smirked at Asher's words, "Well, you'll have to figure that out, won't you? It's not fun if the prey gives itself away too easily." He chuckled, a mix of adrenaline and mischief in his voice.

As Damian caught his breath, he realized he might have made a strategic error. The idea of hiding on a random floor seemed brilliant at first, but now, as he thought about it, he should have just exited the hotel. He could almost hear Asher's determination through the phone.

Asher, his voice dripping with seduction, responded, "Oh, I love a challenge. I'll find you, no matter where you hide. And when I do, be ready for the consequences."

Damian swiftly ended the call, a sudden rush of warmth flooding his cheeks. He attributed it to staying up late, dismissing the flustered feeling. Determined to execute a new plan, he hurried into his apartment, intending to lock Asher out.

All the while Asher approached the building's security desk, leaning on the counter with a casual demeanor. "Hey, buddy. I left something in a friend's apartment. Mind checking the cameras to see where he went?" he inquired, flashing a charming smile.

The security guard raised an eyebrow, slightly amused by Asher's request. "Lost track of your friend, huh? Alright, let me check the footage, how does he look?," he asked, tapping away at the computer keyboard to access the security cameras.

Asher described Damian to the security guard, "He's a cute guy, blonde hair, wearing a blue hoodie and black sweats. Can't miss him."

The security guard chuckled, "Alright, that's more detail than I need. Let me see if I can find him on the cameras."

"This him?" the guard asked as he turned the screen towards Asher.

Asher leaned in, squinting at the screen. "Yeah, that's him. Where is he heading?" he inquired, his eyes fixed on the footage.

"Looks like he's headed to his room," he remarked, pointing to the corresponding room number on the screen.

Damian was moving quite slowly, he was on the stairs. Damian thought that Asher would take the elevator, anticipating a chance encounter.

Damian, mindful of the situation, moved quietly and deliberately, cautious in case Asher was nearby. He glanced around him while progressing through the building. With a clever plan forming in his mind, Asher turned to the guard and said, "Also, he lost his card for the apartment. Mind giving me the spare one? We'll find the other one first thing in the morning." The guard, initially hesitant, asked for additional details about Damian to confirm his identity. Asher willingly provided the necessary information and, in return, received the spare card from the guard, who warned him, "Just bring it back in the morning."

Asher nodded confidently, a sly grin playing on his lips as he pocketed the spare card. "Of course." he assured, the anticipation of the chase evident in his eyes as he entered the elevator.

As Damian gently closed the door behind him, the familiar scent enveloped him. A mixture of cologne and a hint of mischief lingered in the air. Slowly turning around, he found himself face to face with none other than Asher.

We Meet Again [18+] | BxBWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu