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"That was Tate and her mother, right?" Stiles asked as he and Scott rushed to the woods to find the 4-1-5 Adam.

Before being caught by Stiles' father, he and Scott had been at Kate Argent's funeral, and they'd seen at least one familiar face. Lilivati Zhao, who hadn't changed a bit since leaving Beacon Hills nine years prior. On the other hand, the teenage daughter she had by her side had changed a lot since they'd last seen her. Tatiana – Tate! – had grown up from the girl that only ate the green jellybeans, and the girl who wore glasses and had the most unevenly cut bangs.

Scott and Stiles never understood why the Zhao family had suddenly left. Them being back felt surreal. As if it shouldn't have happened in the first place. How were they to tell Tate about what they got mixed up in?

Though, their Zhao family shaped problem would have to wait. Currently, they were focused on a supernatural shaped problem. Lydia Martin had gotten the bite, and they couldn't let her be killed by the hunters. They had to find her before the hunters did.

"Stiles, what are the chances we see Tate again, and that instead of going to us, she'd be with the Argents? You saw her too." Scott rebutted.

A beat of silence followed. Stiles glared at Scott for doubting his genius. "Tate's always on our side."

"Yeah, but is she?"

"Tate, let me in! I know you're there!"

Stiles had seen a light on in the house, the old Zhao house that looked lived in again. He knew that it had never been sold. Where else would Lilivati and Tate go? They still owned the Beacon Hills house, so it made sense for them to be here.

And he was right. He knew it.

Obviously, Tate was not going to open the door. Which was fine, Stiles had mastered the art of climbing through her bedroom window by the time he was six. He'd just have to do it again, even if the neighbors might see it as breaking and entering. Tate knew he climbed windows, because it had some thrill.

There was no furniture in the room he knew to be Tate's. Which, fine, it was a little odd, but it could be that she had moved to a bigger room. Stiles knew he would run into Tate. He even came prepared when she undoubtedly would scream at the sight of him, he had the green jellybeans.

The click of a gun made him a tad nervous.

"How did you get in?"

"Through the window...? I uh– I saw you and your mom. So, I brought you your favorite snack. Green jellybeans!"

She glanced at the jellybeans, eyes sliding back to Stiles. He swallowed a lump in his throat at her glare. "I don't like jellybeans. Any color." The girl deadpanned.

"We used to eat them all the time!" Stiles exclaimed, shaking the bag of green jellybeans. "You stole my green jellybeans and gave me the yellow ones in return!" Tate. Tate. Tate. Tate. This was Tate. "What about your glasses? Do you wear contacts now?"

"I've never worn glasses. I think you have me confused with –"


Stiles jumped at the sound of crashing glass. He bit his tongue, before he said something insensitive.

"Tate is dead."

Wonderland, Isaac LaheyWhere stories live. Discover now