Chapter 5: Cat and Mouse

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    It was around 3 am when Batman loosely finished up his nightly patrol. Nothing major happened as he zipped by building to building; however, around the time he wanted to go home, he faintly heard the patter of footsteps that almost matched his. 

    He groaned as this meant that he could not go home now, or else whoever it is- although he had a sneaking suspicion who it could be- would follow him home too. 

    Suddenly, a bulb went off in Batman's mind and he had a wonderful idea on how to draw the person out. He changed his direction and headed to the strip mall he knew. When he feet landed on the ground, he faintly heard the shoes of another as well. Pleased that they were still following him, he silently broke into a store- with minimal damage to the door and alarms. 

    When his follower entered, Batman was already standing in a corner, his back faced to the follower with a brief case laid on one of the aisle tops at eye level. 

    Then, everything happened too fast. The follower jumped at him, Batman swung back, his forearm spike pointed toward the pursuer, and then they were both on the ground. Batman pinning her.

    Much to his speculations, it was the woman from last night. 

    "Fuck." She said as she death-gripped him with the one hand that still had the mechanical glove on. 

    He pressed his lips together in a thin line. "Who are you?" He applied a little pressure onto her upper body, further pinning it in place. 

    Scrunching her nose in disgust, she retorted, "Isn't it obvious?" Her knee slammed into his stomach, and the spikes styled on her combat heels snagged Batman's cape. As she extended her legs with a surprising amount of force, he was yanked away from her. Seizing the opportunity, she slipped from his grasp, putting some distance between them.

    Leaning against a nearby counter, she rested her chin on her arm in a bored manner. "I'm Catwoman," she declared, her smug smile carrying her voice with nonchalance.

    To Batman, the kick didn't hurt at all, but the fact that she slipped away from him so slyly irked him. He raised an eyebrow at the name drop, and he was about to question until he remember faintly hearing about an infamous lady thief who took a muse from cats stealing riches around Gotham. "You're stupid to follow me." 

    Catwoman rolled her eyes, "Says you." She raised an eyebrow, "I want my stuff back." 

    There was a silence on the other end. 

    She scoffed and pointed to her ungloved arm. "The glove? The briefcase? Hello?"

    "Why? What's in the briefcase." He spoke daggers back at her attitude. 

    "None of your business,  Batboy" she surprised him once again as the briefcase that was with Batman moments ago, was now firmly gripped by her free hand that was hiding behind the aisle. "Nice meeting with you, though." She slipped out with the briefcase immediately after, not waiting to see Batman's reaction. 

     Batman crossed his arms, his mind turning gears. Despite the insult she threw at him, he couldn't help but smile. All he had to do was wait for a few minutes and he knew she'd come back.  

    Just as he expected, minutes later, Catwoman barged through the store door with a murderous aura. "What the fuck is this?" She threw the briefcase at him. "A fucking decoy." She cursed under her breath. 

    "You know, you're really bad at doing your... villainy." Batman swiftly dodged the airborne briefcase and caught it before it landed and made a big noise. 

Batman/Catwoman Issue #0Where stories live. Discover now